Rytmické krůčky, aneb práce s rytmem od školky do školy
Title Alternative:Using Small Rhythmic Steps in Teaching Rhythm at Kindergarten and Primary School
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Diplomová práce se zabývá úlohou rytmu v životě dětí předškolního a mladšího školního věku, jeho rozvíjením ve školním prostředí. Je rozdělena do dvou částí, teoretické a praktické. Teoretická část se zaměřuje na vymezení základních pojmů jako je rytmus, hudební připravenost a hudební výchova v mateřských a základních školách. Dále popisuje hudebně-výchovný proces a jeho zakotvení v Rámcovém vzdělávacím programu, metody a formy výuky rytmu. Praktická část je složena z rytmických cvičení a her seznamujících s Orffovými nástroji. Dále obsahuje návrhy práce s písní dle ročních období, které byly ověřeny v praxi mateřské školy. Je doplněna dotazníkovým šetřením, kterého se zúčastnili učitelé mateřských i základních škol, zaměřeného na výuku rytmu ve školním prostředí.
The thesis is about what role is rhythm playing in a life of preschoolers and younger school age kids and development of this role in a school environment. The theoretical part of the thesis is focusing on the definition of basic concepts, such as rhythm, musical readiness and music education in kindergartens and primary schools. Furthermore, it describes the process of music education and embedding it in the National Educational Curriculum, including methods and forms of teaching rhythm. The practical part of the thesis consists of rhythmic exercises and games,to help kids to familiarize with Orff's instruments. It also contains and suggests to use four seasons and songs coherently, which has been proved in practical examples in kindergartens. The practical part is complemented with a survey, which was attended by teachers from kindergartens and primary schools aimed at teaching rhythm in the school environment.
The thesis is about what role is rhythm playing in a life of preschoolers and younger school age kids and development of this role in a school environment. The theoretical part of the thesis is focusing on the definition of basic concepts, such as rhythm, musical readiness and music education in kindergartens and primary schools. Furthermore, it describes the process of music education and embedding it in the National Educational Curriculum, including methods and forms of teaching rhythm. The practical part of the thesis consists of rhythmic exercises and games,to help kids to familiarize with Orff's instruments. It also contains and suggests to use four seasons and songs coherently, which has been proved in practical examples in kindergartens. The practical part is complemented with a survey, which was attended by teachers from kindergartens and primary schools aimed at teaching rhythm in the school environment.