Controlling vybrané společnosti
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Cílem této bakalářské práce s názvem Controlling vybrané společnosti je vhodně implementovat controlling do společnosti a jejího řízení. Práce je rozdělena do dvou ucelených částí, které na sebe logicky navazují. Teoretická část bakalářské práce je zaměřena na vymezení pojmu controlling, jeho význam, historii a úrovně. V závěru teoretické části je blíže specifikován nákladový a finanční controlling, neboť tyto dva druhy jsou pro bakalářskou práci díky svým nástrojům představujícím finanční analýzu a analýzu nákladů, klíčové. Následuje praktická část bakalářské práce, ve které je nejprve představena vybraná společnost. Především tedy její základní informace, charakteristika a informační systém. Dále je provedena ekonomická analýza formou SWOT analýzy. Následuje analýza finanční, jejímž cílem je zhodnocení jednotlivých finančních ukazatelů, jež mohou zefektivnit řízení financí ve společnosti a přiložit ruku ke stabilnímu hospodaření. Další část je zaměřena již na samotnou implementaci nákladového controllingu. Závěrem práce je vyhodnocení analýz a návrh doporučení pro zlepšení hospodářské situace, finančního zdraví ve společnosti a mimo jiné jsou zde vypíchnuty i výhody pro implementaci controllingové činnosti.
The goal of this bachelor thesis entitled Controlling of chosen company is to properly implement controlling in the company and its management. This thesis is divided into two complete parts, which follow each other logically. The theoretical part of the bachelor thesis is focused on defining the term controlling, its meaning, history and levels. At the end of the theoretical part, cost and financial controlling are specified in more detail, as these two types are crucial for the bachelor's thesis thanks to their tools representing financial analysis and cost analysis.The practical part of the bachelor thesis follows, in which the selected company is introduced first. Above all, its basic information, characteristics and information system. Furthermore, an economic analysis is performed in the form of SWOT analysis. The following is a financial analysis, the goal of which is to evaluate individual financial indicators that can streamline the company's financial management and put their hand to stable management. The next part is focused on the implementation of cost controlling. The conclusion of the thesis is the evaluation of analyzes and indicators and there are also recommendations for improving the economic situation, financial health in the company and, among other things, there are also benefits for the implementation of controlling activities.
The goal of this bachelor thesis entitled Controlling of chosen company is to properly implement controlling in the company and its management. This thesis is divided into two complete parts, which follow each other logically. The theoretical part of the bachelor thesis is focused on defining the term controlling, its meaning, history and levels. At the end of the theoretical part, cost and financial controlling are specified in more detail, as these two types are crucial for the bachelor's thesis thanks to their tools representing financial analysis and cost analysis.The practical part of the bachelor thesis follows, in which the selected company is introduced first. Above all, its basic information, characteristics and information system. Furthermore, an economic analysis is performed in the form of SWOT analysis. The following is a financial analysis, the goal of which is to evaluate individual financial indicators that can streamline the company's financial management and put their hand to stable management. The next part is focused on the implementation of cost controlling. The conclusion of the thesis is the evaluation of analyzes and indicators and there are also recommendations for improving the economic situation, financial health in the company and, among other things, there are also benefits for the implementation of controlling activities.
Controlling, controller, finanční controlling, nákladový controlling, finanční analýza, analýza nákladů, rozvaha, ukazatele rentability, ukazatele likvidity, ukazatele aktivity, ukazatele zadluženosti, Controlling, controller, financial controlling, cost controlling, financial analysis, cost analysis, balance-sheet, profitability indicators, liquidity indicators, activity indicators, indebtedness indicators