Fonetická produkce vybraných anglických akcentů mezi studenty třetího ročníku oboru Anglický jazyk se zaměřením na vzdělávání na Technické univerzitě v Liberci
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Tato bakalářská práce pojednává o akcentech anglického jazyka, se kterými se studenti mohou nejčastěji setkat - Received Pronunciation a General American English. Práce zkoumala, jaký akcent preferují studenti třetího ročníku oboru Anglický jazyk se zaměřením na vzdělávání na Technické univerzitě v Liberci z hlediska percepce a produkce. Klíčovou otázkou bylo, zda se tito studenti přibližují ve svém mluveném projevu preferovanému akcentu. Potřebná data byla získána prostřednictvím dvou metod. Nejprve byl vytvořen dotazník, jehož cílem bylo odhalit lingvistické pozadí zkoumaných studentů a zjistit, jaký akcent preferují, co se percepce a produkce týče. Poté byly pořízeny hlasové záznamy zkoumaných studentů. Nahrávky byly následně ohodnoceny rodilými a nerodilými mluvčími angličtiny. Dále byla fonetická analýza nahrávek provedena pomocí programu pro analýzu řeči PRAAT. Tato fonetická analýza ukázala, zda se daný student ve svém mluveném projevu skutečně přibližuje preferovanému akcentu, který uvedl v dotazníku.
This bachelor's thesis focuses on the English accents that learners can most often encounter - Received Pronunciation and General American English. It examines which accent third-year students of the English for Education bachelor's degree program at the Technical University of Liberec preferred in terms of perception and production. The principal aim was to ascertain whether these students approach the preferred accent in their speech. The necessary data were obtained using two methods. Firstly, a questionnaire was created with the purpose of outlining the respondents' linguistic background and presenting which accent they preferred regarding both perception and production. Secondly, the voice recordings of the respondents were taken. The recordings were subsequently commented on and evaluated by native and non-native speakers of English. In addition, a computer program for speech analysis in phonetics PRAAT was utilized to analyze the recordings. The voice recordings demonstrated whether the students actually approached the accent they stated in the questionnaire.
This bachelor's thesis focuses on the English accents that learners can most often encounter - Received Pronunciation and General American English. It examines which accent third-year students of the English for Education bachelor's degree program at the Technical University of Liberec preferred in terms of perception and production. The principal aim was to ascertain whether these students approach the preferred accent in their speech. The necessary data were obtained using two methods. Firstly, a questionnaire was created with the purpose of outlining the respondents' linguistic background and presenting which accent they preferred regarding both perception and production. Secondly, the voice recordings of the respondents were taken. The recordings were subsequently commented on and evaluated by native and non-native speakers of English. In addition, a computer program for speech analysis in phonetics PRAAT was utilized to analyze the recordings. The voice recordings demonstrated whether the students actually approached the accent they stated in the questionnaire.
Akcent, Received Pronunciation, General American English, fonetická analýza, studenti TUL, výslovnost, PRAAT, Accent, Received Pronunciation, General American English, phonetic analysis, TUL students, pronunciation, PRAAT