Podpora čtenářství na 1. stupni základní školy návštěvou veřejné knihovny
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Pedagogický projekt je zaměřen na podporu zájmu o čtení žáků 1. stupně ZŠ prostřednictvím využívání služeb veřejné knihovny. V teoretické části jsou uvedeny hlavní aspekty čtenářství a specifika dětí mladšího školního věku. Praktická část popisuje kromě návrhu i realizaci vlastního projektu, která proběhla ve školním roce 2020/21. Byly naplánovány tři návštěvy knihovny s celkem čtyřmi dětmi, zrealizováno bylo celkem šest návštěv. Cíle projektu se podařilo naplnit. Ukázalo se však, že pro zúčastněné děti bylo velmi důležité, že díky návštěvám knihovny mohly zažívat nové aktivity mimo dětský domov.
The pedagogical project is focused on supporting reading of primary school pupilsthrough the use of public library services. The theoretical part presents various aspects of reading and the specifics of children of the younger school age. The practical part describes first the draft, and secondly the implementation of the project, which took place in the school year 2020/21. Three library visits were planned with the total of four children, six visits were made. The goals of the project were met. Further, it turned out that it was also important for the children to experience new activities outside the care home, which were connected with the visits to the library.
The pedagogical project is focused on supporting reading of primary school pupilsthrough the use of public library services. The theoretical part presents various aspects of reading and the specifics of children of the younger school age. The practical part describes first the draft, and secondly the implementation of the project, which took place in the school year 2020/21. Three library visits were planned with the total of four children, six visits were made. The goals of the project were met. Further, it turned out that it was also important for the children to experience new activities outside the care home, which were connected with the visits to the library.
čtenářství, čtení, mladší školní věk, veřejná knihovna, reading, younger school age, public library