Aplikace pro podporu studentské mobility TUL
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Cílem této práce bylo navrhnout a implementovat aplikaci pro podporu studentské mobility v rámci programu Erasmus+. Projekt se zabývá problematikou progresivních webových aplikací a jejich využitím pro vývoj univerzální multiplatformní responzivní aplikace. V byl kladen důraz na to, aby výsledná aplikace podporovala dobré praktiky pro vývoj takového typu aplikace. To zahranuje automatizované testování a nástroje pro udržování kvality a jednotného stylu kódu za účelem zajištění kontinuity budoucího vývoje aplikace.Aplikace je navržena podle architektury klient-server, kde serverová část byla vytvořena v jazyce PHP za použití frameworku Laravel. Jejím cílem je poskytování dat klientské části aplikace. Ta byla vyvinuta pomocí frameworku VueJS s nadstavbou NuxtJS. Aplikace využívá této architektury pro nezávislý a paralelní vývoj obou částí skrze pevně dané REST rozhraní. Hlavním přínosem této práce je usnadnit a zvýšit bezpečnost procesu výjezdu studentů skrze program Erasmus+ a zároveň tím usnadnit práci zahraničnímu oddělení TUL. Aplikace poskytuje studentům důležité informace, které jsou jim pak k dispozici v případě, že se dostanou do nějaké z krizových situací. Těmi mohou být například ztráta dokladu, dopravní nehoda nebo jakýkoliv trestný čin a další. Aplikace obsahuje jednoduchý systém pro práci se zpětnou vazbou, který studentům umožňuje odeslat názor nebo připomínku. Naopak uživatelům s privilegovaným přístupem umožňuje tuto zpětnou vazbu revidovat a dělat na základě toho další rozhodnutí.
The aim of this work was to design and implement an application to support student mobility within the Erasmus+ program. The project deals with the issue of progressive web applications and their use for the development of universal multiplatform responsive applications. Emphasis was placed on the resulting application to support good practices for the development of this type of application. It includes automated testing and tools to maintain quality and consistent code style to ensure the continuity of future application development.The application is designed according to the client-server architecture, where the server part was created in PHP using the Laravel framework. Its goal is to provide data to the client part of the application. It was developed using the VueJS framework with the NuxtJS extension. The application uses this architecture for independent and parallel development of both parts through a fixed REST interface.The main benefit of this work is to facilitate and increase the security of the student departure process through the Erasmus+ program and at the same time to facilitate the work of the TUL foreign department. The application provides students with important information, which is then available to them in case they get into any of the crisis situations. These can be, for example, the loss of a document, a traffic accident or any criminal offense and others. The application contains a simple system for working with feedback, which allows students to send an opinion or comment. On the contrary, it allows privileged users to review this feedback and make further decisions based on it.
The aim of this work was to design and implement an application to support student mobility within the Erasmus+ program. The project deals with the issue of progressive web applications and their use for the development of universal multiplatform responsive applications. Emphasis was placed on the resulting application to support good practices for the development of this type of application. It includes automated testing and tools to maintain quality and consistent code style to ensure the continuity of future application development.The application is designed according to the client-server architecture, where the server part was created in PHP using the Laravel framework. Its goal is to provide data to the client part of the application. It was developed using the VueJS framework with the NuxtJS extension. The application uses this architecture for independent and parallel development of both parts through a fixed REST interface.The main benefit of this work is to facilitate and increase the security of the student departure process through the Erasmus+ program and at the same time to facilitate the work of the TUL foreign department. The application provides students with important information, which is then available to them in case they get into any of the crisis situations. These can be, for example, the loss of a document, a traffic accident or any criminal offense and others. The application contains a simple system for working with feedback, which allows students to send an opinion or comment. On the contrary, it allows privileged users to review this feedback and make further decisions based on it.
PHP, Laravel, PWA, Erasmus, VueJS, NuxtJS, JavaScript, REST, PHP, Laravel, PWA, Erasmus, VueJS, NuxtJS, JavaScript, REST