Syntéza derivátů cyklodextrinů vhodných pro navázání na magnetické nanočástice.
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V rámci této bakalářské práce byly připraveny 3 vybrané monosubstituované deriváty beta-cyklodextrinu (CD) vhodné pro navázání na magnetické nanočástice. Jedná se o 6-O-tosyl-6-deoxy-beta-CD, 6-karboxymethylamino-6-deoxy-beta-CD a 6-karboxyethylamino-6-deoxy-beta-CD. Příprava posledně jmenovaného, pokud je autorovi známo, nebyla doposud publikována.Literární rešerše je zaměřena na cyklodextriny, jejich vlastnosti, metody přípravy a možnosti využití v praxi. Následně je stručně pojednáno o magnetických nanočásticích a poslední kapitola teoretické části se zabývá především potenciálním aplikačním polem magnetických nanočástic modifikovaných deriváty beta-cyklodextrinů.Příprava sloučenin byla pro získání věrohodnějších výsledků vždy minimálně dvakrát zopakována. Struktura produktů byla stanovena nukleární magnetickou rezonancí, u poloviny sloučenin byla provedena také hmotnostní spektrometrie. K zjištění jejich ostatních charakteristik by bylo nezbytné použití dalších metod spektrální analýzy (2D nuclear magnetic resonance 2D NMR, attached proton test APT, distortionless enhancement by polarization transfer DEPT aj.)
The task of this bachelor thesis was to prepare three selected mono-substituted derivatives of beta-cyclodextrine (CD) suitable for connecting magnetic nano-particles, specifically 6-O-tosyl-6-deoxy-beta-CD, 6-carboxymethylamino-6-deoxy-beta-CD and 6-carboxyethylamino-6-deoxy-beta-CD. Based on the research that has been performed, no works on this particular subject have been published, specifically using the last named compound (6-carboxyethylamino-6-deoxy-beta-CD).In order to begin, several works on cyclodextrines which detailed their properties and ways of preparation were consulted and afterwards summarized in this thesis. A short treatise on magnetic nano-particles encapsulates their preparation, use and properties. In the final phase of the theoretical section, potential applications of magnetic nano-particles functionalized by beta-cyclodextrine derivatives were documented. Each experiment was done at least twice in order to ensure that the results were correct. The structure of products was determined by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and one half of the compounds was scrutinized by mass spectrometry. To specify their other characterizations, extra spectral analysis would be needed (2D NMR, attached proton test APT, distortionless enhancement by polarization transfer DEPT, etc.)
The task of this bachelor thesis was to prepare three selected mono-substituted derivatives of beta-cyclodextrine (CD) suitable for connecting magnetic nano-particles, specifically 6-O-tosyl-6-deoxy-beta-CD, 6-carboxymethylamino-6-deoxy-beta-CD and 6-carboxyethylamino-6-deoxy-beta-CD. Based on the research that has been performed, no works on this particular subject have been published, specifically using the last named compound (6-carboxyethylamino-6-deoxy-beta-CD).In order to begin, several works on cyclodextrines which detailed their properties and ways of preparation were consulted and afterwards summarized in this thesis. A short treatise on magnetic nano-particles encapsulates their preparation, use and properties. In the final phase of the theoretical section, potential applications of magnetic nano-particles functionalized by beta-cyclodextrine derivatives were documented. Each experiment was done at least twice in order to ensure that the results were correct. The structure of products was determined by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and one half of the compounds was scrutinized by mass spectrometry. To specify their other characterizations, extra spectral analysis would be needed (2D NMR, attached proton test APT, distortionless enhancement by polarization transfer DEPT, etc.)
cyklodextrin, magnetické nanočástice, biotechnologie, cyclodextrin, magnetic nanoparticles, biotechnology