Thinking Education beyond Borders – The Pedagogic Correspondence Legacy of Wilhelm Rein as an Access to Historical Transnational Contacts and Networks of Educational Reform

dc.contributor.authorGrundig de Vazquez, Katja
dc.contributor.organizationTechnická univerzita v Liberci
dc.description.abstractThinking Education beyond Borders – The Pedagogic Correspondence Legacy of Wilhelm Rein as an Access to Historical Transnational Contacts and Networks of Educational Reform The article wants to present the first research results from a project in progress that aims on the scientific edition of and basic research on the pedagogical correspondence legacy of Wilhelm Rein (1847– 1929), who was one of the internationally most influential educationalists and teacher educators of his time. It wants to approach the phenomenon of networking education from a historical perspective and emphasize that transnational contacts and networks are not a new phenomenon in the field of education but that common objectives and motives traditionally have brought together educationalists from diverse realities. The sources analyzed date from 1869 to 1929. They constitute one of the most extensive surviving professional correspondence legacies that prove and display widespread cross-country and cross- -cultural historical professional contacts and networks among educationalists that have partly substantially influenced the development of modern educational theory and practice of educational systems from all over the world. This contribution will give first insights into the source corpus and the (research on) the network structures in question.cs
dc.format.extent15 s.cs
dc.publisherNárodní pedagogické muzeum a knihovna J. A. Komenského
dc.publisherTechnická univerzita v Liberci, Fakulta přírodovědně-humanitní a pedagogická
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dc.relation.ispartofHistoria Scholastica
dc.subjecttransnational history of educationcs
dc.subjectmethodological combined educational network analysiscs
dc.subjecttransnational educational theory and practice transfercs
dc.subjectprofessional educational networkscs
dc.titleThinking Education beyond Borders – The Pedagogic Correspondence Legacy of Wilhelm Rein as an Access to Historical Transnational Contacts and Networks of Educational Reformen
local.accessopen access
local.facultyFakulta přírodovědně-humanitní a pedagogickáen
local.noteČasopis Historia scholastica je zařazen do mezinárodních vědeckých databází Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, EBSCO and ERIH Plus.
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