Propagace malého konfekčního podniku
Title Alternative:Advertising small pret-a-porter enterprise
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Technická Univerzita v Liberci
Tato bakalářská práce má za cíl navrhnout efektivní reklamní kampaň pro konfekční podnik HENA. Jsou zde popsány materiály, které tento podnik používá pro výrobu dámského prádla. Hena šije spodní, noční a vycházkové oděvy z pletenin, které jsou zdobeny ruční kresbou. Informace o charakteristice zákazníka, výrobku, konkurence a způsob komunikace této firmy vychází z dotazníku. V další části je sestavena SWOT analýza, která hodnotí silné a slabé stránky podniku. Prostřednictvím této analýzy je navržena reklamní kampaň, která má informovat potencionální zákazníky o činnosti a nabízeném sortimentu tohoto podniku.
This Bachelor thesis is intended to propose an effective advertising campaign for conference company HENA. Materials used for production of women´s clothing are described here. HENA tailors underwear, nightrobes and sportswear from knitted fabric decorated with hand painting. Information about characteristics of customer, product, and competition and about way of communication of this company comes from a questionnaire. In other part, SWOT analysis is compiled to assess strengths and weaknesses of the company. Through this analysis, the advertising campaign is proposed in order to inform prospect customers about activities of this company as well as its offered range of goods.
This Bachelor thesis is intended to propose an effective advertising campaign for conference company HENA. Materials used for production of women´s clothing are described here. HENA tailors underwear, nightrobes and sportswear from knitted fabric decorated with hand painting. Information about characteristics of customer, product, and competition and about way of communication of this company comes from a questionnaire. In other part, SWOT analysis is compiled to assess strengths and weaknesses of the company. Through this analysis, the advertising campaign is proposed in order to inform prospect customers about activities of this company as well as its offered range of goods.
katedra: KHT; rozsah: 43 s., 12 s. obr. příloh
dámské prádlo, materiály, dotazník, reklamní kampaň, women{\crq}s clothing, material, questionnaire, advertising campaign