Dítě s poruchou chování
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Závěrečná práce se zabývá žákem s poruchou chování, který je nyní umístěn v Dětském domově se školou. V teoretické části definuji poruchu jako takovou, její diagnostiku, příčiny a terapii. Popisuji syndrom hyperaktivity, dětský domov a ústavní péči celkově. V kazuistické části práce popisuji chlapcův dosavadní život, dětství a životní zkušenosti, které přispěli k umístění do výše zmíněného zařízení. Práce mapuje jeho život v DDŠ. Jeho začlenění do kolektivu, adaptaci na prostředí na požadavky, které jsou na něj kladeny. Na jeho vztahy s vrstevníky v DDŠ, i na personál, který s ním denně přichází do styku.
The final work deals with a pupil with behavioral disorder, who is now placed in a children's home with a school. In the theoretical part I define the disorder as such, its diagnosis, causes and therapy. I describe hyperactivity syndrome, children's home and institutional care in general. In the case report I describe the boy's life so far, his childhood and life experiences, which contributed to the placement of David in the aforementioned facility. The thesis maps his life in DDŠ. Its integration into the collective, adaptation to the environment to the demands placed on it. His relations with peers in DDŠ, as well as the staff who comes into contact with David daily.
The final work deals with a pupil with behavioral disorder, who is now placed in a children's home with a school. In the theoretical part I define the disorder as such, its diagnosis, causes and therapy. I describe hyperactivity syndrome, children's home and institutional care in general. In the case report I describe the boy's life so far, his childhood and life experiences, which contributed to the placement of David in the aforementioned facility. The thesis maps his life in DDŠ. Its integration into the collective, adaptation to the environment to the demands placed on it. His relations with peers in DDŠ, as well as the staff who comes into contact with David daily.
Dětský domov se školou, adaptace, porucha chování, syndrom hyperaktivity, ústavní péče, Children's home with school, adaptation, behavioral disorder, hyperactivity syndrome, institutional care