Projekt outdoorový sportovní den pro gymnázia a střední školy
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Tato bakalářská práce si stanovuje za cíl metodicky zanalyzovat současný stav sportovních dnů na středních školách a gymnáziích. Za pomocí získaných dat a literatury je v práci popsána praktická ukázka outdoorového sportovního dne, která zahrnuje překážkový závod a doprovodné netradiční disciplíny. Jednotlivé hry, aktivity a sporty jsou v práci detailně popsány a vysvětleny. Dále jsou v práci popsána specifika outdooru a outdoorových aktivit. Práce je završena převedením veškerých znalostí a zkušeností do teoretické verze kompletního školního eventu.
This bachelor thesis aims to methodically analyze the current state of sports days at secondary schools and grammar schools. With the help of gathered data and literature, the work describes a practical demonstration of an outdoor sports day, which includes an obstacle race and accompanying unconventional disciplines. Individual games, activities, and sports are described and explained in detail. Furthermore, you can find specifics of outdoor and outdoor activities there. The thesis is concluded by transferring all knowledge and experience to the theoretical version of the complete school event.
This bachelor thesis aims to methodically analyze the current state of sports days at secondary schools and grammar schools. With the help of gathered data and literature, the work describes a practical demonstration of an outdoor sports day, which includes an obstacle race and accompanying unconventional disciplines. Individual games, activities, and sports are described and explained in detail. Furthermore, you can find specifics of outdoor and outdoor activities there. The thesis is concluded by transferring all knowledge and experience to the theoretical version of the complete school event.
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