Ekonomický dopad koronavirové krize na vybrané státy
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Diplomová práce se zabývá dopady koronavirové krize na vybrané státy, kterými jsou Česká republika, Německo a Švýcarsko. Cílem práce je určit, jaké byly dopady na jednotlivé ekonomiky a jak si s nimi jednotlivé ekonomiky poradily. Německo a Česká republika byly vybrány jako zástupci států, které jsou členy Evropské unie. Švýcarsko zase jako neutrální stát, který o své ekonomice může rozhodovat více svobodně a nemusí se řídit nařízeními EU. Práce je rozdělena do dvou částí. V první části diplomové práce jsou rozebrány a definovány pojmy vztahující se k hospodářské politice, hospodářskému cyklu a k ekonomické krizi. Ve druhé části diplomové práce jsou pak popsány jednotlivé ekonomiky. Tedy ekonomika České republiky, Německa a Švýcarska a s pomocí ekonomických ukazatelů je zde rozebrán dopad covidové krize na ekonomiku těchto států.
The diploma thesis deals with the effects of the coronavirus crisis on selected countries, namely the Czech Republic, Germany and Switzerland. The goal of the work is to determine what the impacts were on individual economies and how individual economies coped with them. Germany and the Czech Republic were chosen as representatives of states that are members of the European Union. Switzerland, on the other hand, as a neutral state, which can decide more freely about its economy and does not have to follow the EU.The thesis is divided into two parts. In the first part of the thesis, concepts related to economic policy, economic cycle and economic crisis are analyzed and defined. In the second part of the thesis, individual economies are described. That is, the economy of the Czech Republic, Germany and Switzerland, and with the help of economic indicators, the impact of the covid crisis on the economy of these countries is analyzed here.
The diploma thesis deals with the effects of the coronavirus crisis on selected countries, namely the Czech Republic, Germany and Switzerland. The goal of the work is to determine what the impacts were on individual economies and how individual economies coped with them. Germany and the Czech Republic were chosen as representatives of states that are members of the European Union. Switzerland, on the other hand, as a neutral state, which can decide more freely about its economy and does not have to follow the EU.The thesis is divided into two parts. In the first part of the thesis, concepts related to economic policy, economic cycle and economic crisis are analyzed and defined. In the second part of the thesis, individual economies are described. That is, the economy of the Czech Republic, Germany and Switzerland, and with the help of economic indicators, the impact of the covid crisis on the economy of these countries is analyzed here.
Covid, Hospodářský cyklus, Hrubý domácí produkt, Míra inflace, Míra nezaměstnanosti, Covid, Economic cycle, Gross domestic product, Inflation rate, Unemployment rate