Proces vstupu firmy na zahraniční trh
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Bakalářská práce se zabývá představením podniku a jeho možností expandovat na zahraniční trh, na kterým dosud nepůsobí. Teoretická část je zaměřená především na možnosti vstupu firmy na zahraniční trh, jaká rizika jsou s tím spjata a vysvětlení potřebných analýz ke konečnému rozhodnutí firmy. V praktické části je podnik představen a je zde provedena analýza Švédského trhu pomocí PEST analýzy. Získané poznatky byly shrnuty ve formě SWOT matice a na jejich základě byla navržena strategie vstupu na cílový trh.
The bachelor thesis deals with the presentation of the company and its possibility to expand into the foreign market, on which it does not yet operate. The theoretical part is focused mainly on the possibilities of the company's entry into the foreign market, what risks are associated with it and explanation of the necessary analyses for the final decision of the company. In the practical part, the company is presented and an analysis of the Swedish market is carried out using PEST analysis. The lessons learned were summarised in the form of a SWOT matrix and on the basis of which a strategy of entry into the target market was proposed.
The bachelor thesis deals with the presentation of the company and its possibility to expand into the foreign market, on which it does not yet operate. The theoretical part is focused mainly on the possibilities of the company's entry into the foreign market, what risks are associated with it and explanation of the necessary analyses for the final decision of the company. In the practical part, the company is presented and an analysis of the Swedish market is carried out using PEST analysis. The lessons learned were summarised in the form of a SWOT matrix and on the basis of which a strategy of entry into the target market was proposed.
SWOT analýza, PEST analýza, INTEDOOR, vstup na zahraniční trh, SWOT analysis, PEST analysis, INTEDOOR, entry into the foreign market