Distanční výuka geometrie na 2. stupni ZŠ
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Bakalářská práce se zabývá výukou geometrie na 2. stupni ZŠ a jejími klíčovými aspekty, jakožto rozvíjení klíčových kompetencí, prostorové představivosti, procesu stavby matematického poznatku či moderními pomůckami v geometrii. Cílem práce je pomocí dotazníkového šetření zjistit, jak během covidové pandemie probíhala online výuka geometrie na 2. stupni ZŠ z pohledu učitele (zda vůbec probíhala; jaké pomůcky byly používány; jaká byla aktivita žáků apod.) a na základě zjištěných informací porovnat prezenční a distanční výuku geometrie na 2. stupni ZŠ.
The bachelor thesis deals with the subject of geometry at the lower secondary stage of elementary school and its key aspects - development of key competencies, spatial sense, process of building mathematical knowledge and modern instruments used in teaching geometry. The objective of the thesis is to identify the form of teaching geometry during emergency remote teaching from the perspective of teachers - if there was any teaching at all, what tools were used, what was the level of engagement from students etc. Using survey data, the author aims to compare the classic brick and mortar teaching of geometry and the emergency remote teaching of geometry at the lower secondary stage of elementary school.
The bachelor thesis deals with the subject of geometry at the lower secondary stage of elementary school and its key aspects - development of key competencies, spatial sense, process of building mathematical knowledge and modern instruments used in teaching geometry. The objective of the thesis is to identify the form of teaching geometry during emergency remote teaching from the perspective of teachers - if there was any teaching at all, what tools were used, what was the level of engagement from students etc. Using survey data, the author aims to compare the classic brick and mortar teaching of geometry and the emergency remote teaching of geometry at the lower secondary stage of elementary school.
výuka, geometrie, 2. stupeň ZŠ, distanční výuka, prostorová představivost, názornost, rýsovací pomůcky, GeoGebra, clarity, emergency remote teaching, distance teaching, GeoGebra, geometry, geometry instruments, spatial sense, lower secondary stage of elementary school, teaching