Formy pomoci osobám bez přístřeší
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Bakalářská práce Formy pomoci osobám bez přístřeší se zabývá problematikou osob bez přístřeší, konkrétně možnými formami pomoci těmto lidem. Je zaměřená na okres Liberec. Cílem bakalářské práce je zjistit, do jaké míry jsou osoby bez přístřeší informovány o vybraných formách pomoci a zda je využívají. V teoretické části práce je definována osoba bez přístřeší, uvedeny typy osob bez přístřeší, popsány příčiny bezdomovectví a faktory, které k bezdomovectví vedou. Dále jsou charakterizovány formy pomoci, které se pro tyto osoby nabízejí. V druhé, empirické části práce jsou sumarizována a vyhodnocena zjištění vzešlá z kvantitativního výzkumu, který probíhal formou dotazníkového šetření. Byly formulovány výzkumné otázky, které se zabývaly informovaností osob bez přístřeší. Závěrečná diskuse shrnuje klady a zápory, které vyplynuly z vyhodnocení dat.
The bachelor's thesis Forms of assistance to homeless persons deals with the issue of homeless persons, specifically possible forms of assistance to these people. It is focused on the district of Liberec. The aim of the bachelor's thesis is to find out to what extent homeless people are informed about selected forms of assistance and whether they use them. In the theoretical part of the work, a homeless person is defined, the types of homeless people are listed, the causes of homelessness and the factors that lead to homelessness are described. The forms of help they offer for these people are further characterized. In the second, empirical part of the work, the findings resulting from the research, which is conducted in the form of a questionnaire survey, are summarized, and evaluated. Research questions were formulated that dealt with the awareness of homeless people. The final discussion summarizes the pros and cons that emerged from the data evaluation.
The bachelor's thesis Forms of assistance to homeless persons deals with the issue of homeless persons, specifically possible forms of assistance to these people. It is focused on the district of Liberec. The aim of the bachelor's thesis is to find out to what extent homeless people are informed about selected forms of assistance and whether they use them. In the theoretical part of the work, a homeless person is defined, the types of homeless people are listed, the causes of homelessness and the factors that lead to homelessness are described. The forms of help they offer for these people are further characterized. In the second, empirical part of the work, the findings resulting from the research, which is conducted in the form of a questionnaire survey, are summarized, and evaluated. Research questions were formulated that dealt with the awareness of homeless people. The final discussion summarizes the pros and cons that emerged from the data evaluation.
osoba bez přístřeší, bezdomovectví, typy osob bez přístřeší, formy pomoci.