Montessori pedagogika a její využití u dětí s poruchou pozornosti
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Diplomová práce na téma ?Montessori pedagogika a její využití u dětí s poruchou pozornosti? řeší problematiku dětí s poruchou pozornosti ve školním prostředí a předně využití alternativního způsobu vzdělávání, konkrétně montessori pedagogiky. Detailně se práce zaměřuje na školy s montessori pedagogikou v Libereckém kraji. Hlavním cílem výzkumné části je zjistit přístup k žákům s poruchou pozornosti ve školách s montessori pedagogikou v Libereckém kraji a využití montessori pomůcek u těchto dětí. Práci tvoří dvě stěžejní oblasti. Jedná se o část teoretickou, která se zaměřuje na charakteristiku poruch pozornosti u dětí mladšího školního věku, školní připravenost a úspěšnost, vznik a současný stav montessori pedagogiky. V empirické části je obsaženo vlastní výzkumné řešení přístupu k žákům s poruchou pozornosti ve školách s montessori pedagogikou v Liberci a v Jablonci nad Nisou. Předmětem výzkumu bylo zjistit využití montessori pomůcek u dětí s poruchou pozornosti. V závěru diplomové práce je celá situace zhodnocena.
Thesis on Montessori pedagogy and its use in children with attention deficit disorder addresses the issue of children with ADHD in the school environment and firstly the use of an alternative method of education, specifically Montessori pedagogy. In detail, the work focuses on the Montessori school in the district. The main objective of the research is to determine the approach to children with attention deficit disorder in schools with Montessori education in the Liberec region and use the Montessori aids for these children. Thesis is divided into two main parts. This is a theoretical part, which focuses on the characteristics of attention deficit disorders among primary school children, school readiness and success, the emergence and current state of Montessori pedagogy. In the empirical part is contained own research solution approach to pupils with ADHD in schools with Montessori in Liberec and Jablonec nad Nisou. The object of the research was to investigate the use of Montessori aids in children with attention deficit disorder. In conclusion, the thesis is evaluated by the whole situation.
Thesis on Montessori pedagogy and its use in children with attention deficit disorder addresses the issue of children with ADHD in the school environment and firstly the use of an alternative method of education, specifically Montessori pedagogy. In detail, the work focuses on the Montessori school in the district. The main objective of the research is to determine the approach to children with attention deficit disorder in schools with Montessori education in the Liberec region and use the Montessori aids for these children. Thesis is divided into two main parts. This is a theoretical part, which focuses on the characteristics of attention deficit disorders among primary school children, school readiness and success, the emergence and current state of Montessori pedagogy. In the empirical part is contained own research solution approach to pupils with ADHD in schools with Montessori in Liberec and Jablonec nad Nisou. The object of the research was to investigate the use of Montessori aids in children with attention deficit disorder. In conclusion, the thesis is evaluated by the whole situation.
porucha pozornosti, hyperkinetická porucha, ADD, ADHD, školní připravenost, školní úspěšnost, montessori pedagogika, montessori pomůcky, attention deficit disorder, hyperkinetic disorder, ADD, ADHD, school readiness, school success, montessori education, montessori materials