Kvalita služeb v cestovním ruchu
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Bakalářská práce na téma Kvalita služeb v cestovním ruchu je zaměřená na zhodnocení kvality poskytovaných služeb Městského informačního centra v Liberci (MIC) především z pohledu klientů. Teoretická část popisuje problematiku cestovního ruchu a jeho produktu, služeb v cestovním ruchu, kvalitu služeb v České republice a jeho měření a v neposlední řadě se práce věnuje charakteristice turistických informačních center. V úvodu praktické části je představené samotné MIC. Následuje první část, která obsahuje elektronické dotazování s vedoucí pracovnicí daného MIC a druhá část tvoří online dotazníkové šetření, jehož úkolem bylo analyzovat spokojenost klientů s poskytovanými službami MIC a jeho kvalitou z pohledu zákazníka. Na závěr je vyhodnocení kvality nabízených služeb MIC a následné doporučení pro zlepšení jeho kvality.
The bachelor's thesis on the topic of quality of services in tourism is focused on evaluating the quality of services provided by the Municipal Information Center in Liberec, especially from the perspective of clients. The theoretical part describes the issues of tourism and its product, services in tourism, the quality of services in the Czech Republic and its measurement, and last but not least, the work deals with the characteristics of tourist information centers. In the introduction to the practical part, the Municipal Information Center itself is introduced. The first part follows, which contains an electronic survey with the head of the Municipal Information Center and the second part is an online questionnaire survey, the task of which was to analyze client satisfaction with the services provided by the Municipal Information Center and its quality from the customer's point of view. In conclusion, there is an evaluation of the quality of services offered by the Municipal Information Center and subsequent recommendations for improving its quality.
The bachelor's thesis on the topic of quality of services in tourism is focused on evaluating the quality of services provided by the Municipal Information Center in Liberec, especially from the perspective of clients. The theoretical part describes the issues of tourism and its product, services in tourism, the quality of services in the Czech Republic and its measurement, and last but not least, the work deals with the characteristics of tourist information centers. In the introduction to the practical part, the Municipal Information Center itself is introduced. The first part follows, which contains an electronic survey with the head of the Municipal Information Center and the second part is an online questionnaire survey, the task of which was to analyze client satisfaction with the services provided by the Municipal Information Center and its quality from the customer's point of view. In conclusion, there is an evaluation of the quality of services offered by the Municipal Information Center and subsequent recommendations for improving its quality.
Cestovní ruch, kvalita služeb, měření kvality služeb, městské informační centrum, služby v cestovním ruchu, turistická informační centra, Quality o services, measuring the quality of services, Municipal Information Center, services in tourism, tourism, tourist information centres