Neue Persönlichkeiten für eine neue Gesellschaft. Zukunftsaneignung durch Selbsterziehung in der katholischen Quickbornbewegung während der Weimarer Republik

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Národní pedagogické muzeum a knihovna J. A. Komenského
Technická univerzita v Liberci, Fakulta přírodovědně-humanitní a pedagogická
New Personalities for a New Society. Appropriation of the Future through Self-education in the Catholic Quickborn Movement during the Weimar Republic The idea of ‘new man’ was a big topic in the ‘Kulturkritik’-discourse as well as in educational discussions after World War I in Germany. Also the well-educated catholic milieu was engaged in this field. It was a time of great expectations and the protagonists hoped to build a new and better world – especially in the morals department. The precondition of this project was the education of the ‘new man’. This article aims to analyse the engagement of the catholic Quickborn youth movement during the 1920s to create this new personality, that was characterized as a leader figure for the youths in the movement itself but in the end also for the whole nation. Important questions are: How did the Quickborn youth movement pick up and modify the existing expectations of a new era for their special context or create their one views about it? How did they appropriate these views of future by self- -education? And finally: Why did they operate in this way?
Romano Guardini, Quickborn youth movement, self- -education, Catholicism, Weimar Republic, kulturkritik, ‘new man’, leader, contingency