Didaktické materiály pro výuku reálií žáků mladšího školního věku v České škole bez hranic v Paříži
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Diplomová práce se věnuje výuce reálií žáků mladšího školního věku v České škole bez hranic v Paříži. V diplomové práci je nejprve charakterizována česká komunita ve Francii a Česká škola bez hranic v Paříži včetně ŠVP pro první stupeň. Následně je blíže popsána cílová skupina - bilingvní žáci mladšího školního věku včetně jejich specifik, jež je nutné zohlednit ve výuce. Posléze je pozornost zaměřena na problematiku reálií a jejich roli v procesu osvojování si jazyka. Hlavní část práce obsahuje komparativní analýzu českých a francouzských reálií se zmapováním kontrastních jevů. Pro analýzu byly vybrány tyto oblasti reálií: geografie, demografie, politický systém, jazyk, historie a reálie všedního dne (svátky a tradice, jídlo a stolování). Ve vybraných kapitolách jsou vymezeny reálie, které jsou stěžejní při výuce žáků mladšího školního věku v České škole bez hranic. Obsahem závěrečné části práce jsou výukové materiály, jež byly vytvořeny na základě komparace vybraných reálií České republiky a Francie. Výukové materiály zohledňují specifika cílové skupiny i výuky v ČSBH a kladou si za cíl zefektivnit výuku českých reálií.
This diploma thesis deals with teaching Czech studies to young learners in the Czech school without boundaries in Paris. In the diploma thesis, there is a characterization of the Czech community in France and the Czech school without boundaries in Paris, including the school education program. The following part describes the target group - bilingual young learners - with their specifics, which is necessary to take into account during an education process. Later there is a focus on problematic facts and their part in the process of acquisition of the language. The main part of the thesis contains a comparative analysis of the Czech and French studies with a focus on contrasting phenomena. For this analysis, there were chosen following areas of the national studies: geography, demography, political system, language, history, and basic facts of everyday life (feasts and traditions, food and dining). In the chosen chapters there are defined the key facts for the education of young learners in the Czech school without boundaries in Paris.The final part consists of teaching materials that were created based on the comparative analysis of chosen facts of the Czech Republic and France. Teaching materials take into consideration the specifics of the target group and teaching process in the Czech school without boundaries. These materials aim to make the teaching of Czech studies more efficient.
This diploma thesis deals with teaching Czech studies to young learners in the Czech school without boundaries in Paris. In the diploma thesis, there is a characterization of the Czech community in France and the Czech school without boundaries in Paris, including the school education program. The following part describes the target group - bilingual young learners - with their specifics, which is necessary to take into account during an education process. Later there is a focus on problematic facts and their part in the process of acquisition of the language. The main part of the thesis contains a comparative analysis of the Czech and French studies with a focus on contrasting phenomena. For this analysis, there were chosen following areas of the national studies: geography, demography, political system, language, history, and basic facts of everyday life (feasts and traditions, food and dining). In the chosen chapters there are defined the key facts for the education of young learners in the Czech school without boundaries in Paris.The final part consists of teaching materials that were created based on the comparative analysis of chosen facts of the Czech Republic and France. Teaching materials take into consideration the specifics of the target group and teaching process in the Czech school without boundaries. These materials aim to make the teaching of Czech studies more efficient.
Český jazyk, české reálie, francouzské reálie, cizinci, Česká škola bez hranic Paříž, Czech language, Czech studies, French studies, foreigners, Czech school without boundaries in Paris