Title Alternative:The vexation at the elementary school
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Technická Univerzita v Liberci
Bakalářská práce se zabývala šikanou na základní škole. Práce se skládala ze dvou základních částí, teoretické a praktické. V teoretické části bylo téma zpracováno na podkladě odborné literatury, kde je popsán problém šikany, její vývoj, důsledky, řešení a prevence v boji proti ní. Také však vymezuje období pubescence, které charakterizuje vývojové období respondentů dotazníkového šetření. Cílem praktické části bylo zmapovat problematiku šikany na dvou zvolených základních školách ve městech s různým počtem obyvatel. Vedle záměru zjistit a porovnat výskyt šikany se práce zabývá rovněž informovaností žáků devátých ročníků o tomto negativním jevu.
The main point of this bachelor thesis is vexation at the elementary school. The thesis is divided in two parts - theoretical and practical one. In the theoretical part, the theme was based on the special literature wherein the problem of vexation, its progress, results, solution and prevention against it is described. Also it specified the pubescence period, which creates main representation part among the respondents of the included questionnaire. The aim of the practical part was to map problems of vexation in two chosen elementary schools in two different towns with different number of population. Next to the focus on occurrence of vexation, there is also the aim to find out how far the students of ninth grade are informed about this negative feature.
The main point of this bachelor thesis is vexation at the elementary school. The thesis is divided in two parts - theoretical and practical one. In the theoretical part, the theme was based on the special literature wherein the problem of vexation, its progress, results, solution and prevention against it is described. Also it specified the pubescence period, which creates main representation part among the respondents of the included questionnaire. The aim of the practical part was to map problems of vexation in two chosen elementary schools in two different towns with different number of population. Next to the focus on occurrence of vexation, there is also the aim to find out how far the students of ninth grade are informed about this negative feature.
katedra: KSS; přílohy: 1 CD; rozsah: 54
šikana, agresivita, kyberšikana, prevence, vexation, aggressivity, cyber bullying, prevention