Obchodní činnost Univerzitní galerie N
Title Alternative:Business activities of the College Gallery N
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Technická Univerzita v Liberci
Tato bakalářská práce zkoumá činnost Galerie N a její případné obchodní využití. Galerie N je odloučeným pracovištěm katedry designu textilní fakulty Technické univerzity v Liberci se sídlem v Jablonci nad Nisou. Součástí práce je i marketingový výzkum, který byl prováděn pomocí dotazníku. Občané Libereckého kraje se v něm vyjadřovali k propagaci a možnosti zkomerčnění činnosti Galerie N. Cílem práce bylo zjistit, zda Galerie N může fungovat jako komerční pracoviště, navrhnout případnou obchodní činnost a uvést, co je bezprostředně nutné splnit pro její realizaci.
This Thesis is focused on operation of the Gallery N and its further business activities. The Gallery N is situated in Jablonec nad Nisou as a separated workplace of the Design Institute of the Technical University of Liberec. There is also a marketing research incorporated as a part of this Thesis. This research has been elaborated based on a questionnaire completed by citizens of the region of Liberec and expressing their opinion of promotion and possibilities of further business development. However, the main objective of this Thesis is to ascertain whether the Gallery N is capable to operate as a commercial workplace, propose further business development possible and suggest next steps needed.
This Thesis is focused on operation of the Gallery N and its further business activities. The Gallery N is situated in Jablonec nad Nisou as a separated workplace of the Design Institute of the Technical University of Liberec. There is also a marketing research incorporated as a part of this Thesis. This research has been elaborated based on a questionnaire completed by citizens of the region of Liberec and expressing their opinion of promotion and possibilities of further business development. However, the main objective of this Thesis is to ascertain whether the Gallery N is capable to operate as a commercial workplace, propose further business development possible and suggest next steps needed.
katedra: KHT; rozsah: 61 s.
galerie n, katedra designu, propagace, the gallery n, the design institute, promotion