Mechatronická kostka - konstrukce a řízení jedné stěny
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Tato bakalářská práce zkoumá konstrukci a řízení jedné stěny kostky na principu inverzního kyvadla. Cílem je dosáhnout řízení, které umožní kostku překlopit, udržet ji v balanci na hraně a dostat ji do balancovaní z klidu. Pomoci Lagrangeových rovnic druhého řádu byl vytvořen matematický popis systému. V prostředí Matlab/Simulink bylo sestaveno simulační schéma podle tohoto popisu. Ze schématu byly získány parametry pro vytvoření konstrukce kostky. Dílčí části byly navrženy v Autodesk Fusion a většinově vyrobeny z plastu PLA. Zpracování signálu ze snímače polohy a programování ESC řadiče probíhalo v prostředí Arduino IDE. Experimentálním nastavováním jednotlivých složek PID regulátoru byly nalezeny hodnoty, při kterých je kostka schopná dosáhnout stability v balančním bodu. Jako zakončení práce byla snaha dosáhnout výskoku kostky z klidu do balančního bodu.
This bachelor thesis examines the construction and control of a single wall of a cube based on the principle of an inverted pendulum. The goal is to achieve control that enables the cube to tilt, keep it balanced on the edge, and transition it into balancing from a resting position. A mathematical description of the system was created using Lagrange's second-order equations. A simulation scheme was assembled in the Matlab/Simulink environment based on this description. Parameters for constructing the cube were obtained from the scheme. Component parts were designed in Au-todesk Fusion and mostly made from PLA plastic. Signal processing from the positi-on sensor and programming of the ESC controller were carried out in the Arduino IDE environment. Through experimental tuning of the individual components of the PID controller, values were found at which the cube is capable of achieving stability at the balancing point. As a conclusion of the thesis, efforts were made to achieve a leap of the cube from a resting position to the balancing point.
This bachelor thesis examines the construction and control of a single wall of a cube based on the principle of an inverted pendulum. The goal is to achieve control that enables the cube to tilt, keep it balanced on the edge, and transition it into balancing from a resting position. A mathematical description of the system was created using Lagrange's second-order equations. A simulation scheme was assembled in the Matlab/Simulink environment based on this description. Parameters for constructing the cube were obtained from the scheme. Component parts were designed in Au-todesk Fusion and mostly made from PLA plastic. Signal processing from the positi-on sensor and programming of the ESC controller were carried out in the Arduino IDE environment. Through experimental tuning of the individual components of the PID controller, values were found at which the cube is capable of achieving stability at the balancing point. As a conclusion of the thesis, efforts were made to achieve a leap of the cube from a resting position to the balancing point.
Stabilizace, setrvačník, inverzní kyvadlo, Lagrangeovy rovnice, 3D tisk, akcelerometr, komplementární filtr, mikrokontroler, BLDC motor, balanční bod, PID regulace, mechatronická kostka