Udržitelné podnikání v mezinárodním prostředí
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Práce se zabývá problematikou udržitelného rozvoje s důrazem na udržitelné podnikání v mezinárodním kontextu. V práci jsou definovány základní pojmy a popsány principy konceptu. Popsán je současný stav přijetí principů udržitelnosti v logistickém sektoru, překážky a motivace poskytovatelů logistických služeb při jejich zavádění a objem tohoto sektoru. Tento teoretický rámec je v praktické části použit k analýze a vzájemné komparaci strategií dvou mezinárodních logistických podniků DB Group a Deutsche Post DHL Group. Základem pro analýzu se staly především informace z výročních zpráv, ale i další dokumenty a vyjádření publikované oběma podniky. Strategie jsou hodnoceny v období šesti předešlých let od roku 2011 do roku 2016.
This bachelor thesis is focusing on a topic of sustainable development with emphasis on sustainable business in international context. Fundamental terms are being explained and general principles of this concept are being described. Described is also the state of acceptance of sustainable principles in logistics sector, motivation and barriers of logistics service providers in the process of incorporating these principles and the volume of the logistics sector. This theoretical framework is used as a foundation for a practical part of this thesis, for analysis and comparison of strategies of two international logistics companies DB Group and Deutsche Post DHL Group. Information published in annual reports became fundamental basis for this analyses in combination with other documents and statements published by the two companies. Strategies were assessed in preceding six years period between years 2011 and 2016.
This bachelor thesis is focusing on a topic of sustainable development with emphasis on sustainable business in international context. Fundamental terms are being explained and general principles of this concept are being described. Described is also the state of acceptance of sustainable principles in logistics sector, motivation and barriers of logistics service providers in the process of incorporating these principles and the volume of the logistics sector. This theoretical framework is used as a foundation for a practical part of this thesis, for analysis and comparison of strategies of two international logistics companies DB Group and Deutsche Post DHL Group. Information published in annual reports became fundamental basis for this analyses in combination with other documents and statements published by the two companies. Strategies were assessed in preceding six years period between years 2011 and 2016.
Udržitelnost, udržitelný rozvoj, udržitelné podnikání, logistický sektor, mezinárodní logistické firmy, DB Group, Deutsche Post DHL Group, Sustainability, sustainable development, sustainable business, logistics sector, international logistics companies, DB Group, Deutsche Post DHL Group