Geometrie prošlupu tkacího stroje
Title Alternative:Geometry shed of weaving machine
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Technická Univerzita v Liberci
Táto diplomová práca sa zaoberá geometriou ziva tkáčskeho stroja. Hlavná pozornosť je venovaná osnovnej svorke a jej vplyve na štruktúru tkaniny. Zmenou polohy osnovnej svorky, vzhľadom k tkacej rovine, sme docielili zmenu napätia v hornej a dolnej polovici ziva, čím sme docielili i zmenu štruktúry tkaniny.
This diploma work is concerned on the shed geometry of weaving machine. The major importance is dedicated to back-rest roller and its influence on the fabric structure. Changing the position of back-rest roller with regard to a machine weaving plane, we achieved change of warp tension in higher and lower part of shed, as well as we achieved change fabric structure.
This diploma work is concerned on the shed geometry of weaving machine. The major importance is dedicated to back-rest roller and its influence on the fabric structure. Changing the position of back-rest roller with regard to a machine weaving plane, we achieved change of warp tension in higher and lower part of shed, as well as we achieved change fabric structure.
katedra: KTT;
tkáčsky stroj, osnovná svorka, ťah v hornej a dolnej časti ziva, waweon, koeficient zakrytia tkaniny, weaving machine, back-rest, tension in higher and lower part of shed, waweon, cover factor