Studium kinetiky funkcionalizace povrchu nanovláken po aktivaci plazmatem
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Bakalářská práce se zabývá plazmatickou úpravou křemičitých nanovláken a jejím vlivem na jejich silylaci.V teoretické části jsou shrnuté poznatky o nanovláknech, především křemičitých. Je zde popsána jejich výroba, využití, vlastnosti a v neposlední řadě také možnost modifikace jejich povrchu prostřednictvím silylačního činidla. V dalších částech je pak vysvětlena metoda plazmatické úpravy povrchu stejně jako metoda kvantifikace primárních aminoskupin. Dále je diskutována možnost využití plazmatu pro zvýšení efektivity silylace a tedy i možnosti následné funkcionalizace nanovláken z důvodu větší hustoty aminoskupin na povrchu.Experimentální část se zabývá plazmatickou úpravou křemičitých nanovláken a jejího vlivu na následnou silylaci, kde je jako silylační činidlo použit 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilan (APTES). V první fázi byl sledován vliv použité atmosféry a doby, po kterou úprava probíhá, na výsledný výtěžek primárních aminoskupin navázaných na nanovlákenný substrát. Byla stanovena nejvhodnější kombinace atmosféry a doby úpravy. V druhé fázi byl sledován vliv prodlevy mezi plazmatickou úpravou a silylací na výslednou výtěžnost.
The bachelor thesis deals with plasma treatment of silicon nanofibers and its influence on their silylation.The theoretical part summarizes the knowledge about nanofibers, especially silicates. It describes their production, utilization, properties and, last but not least, the possibility of modification of their surface by a silylation agent. The next part explains method of plasma surface treatment as well as method of quantification of primary amino groups. Furthermore, possibility of using plasma to increase efficiency of silylation, and thus possibility of subsequent functionalization of nanofibers due to increased density of amino groups on surface, is discussed.The experimental part deals with plasma treatment of silica nanofibers and their effect on subsequent silylation, where 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTES) is used as silylation agent. In the first phase, effect of atmosphere used and time taken for treatment on the yield of primary amino groups bound to the nanofiber substrate was monitored. The most appropriate combination of atmosphere and time of conditioning was determined. In the second phase, the effect of delay between plasma treatment and silylation on resulting yield was monitored.
The bachelor thesis deals with plasma treatment of silicon nanofibers and its influence on their silylation.The theoretical part summarizes the knowledge about nanofibers, especially silicates. It describes their production, utilization, properties and, last but not least, the possibility of modification of their surface by a silylation agent. The next part explains method of plasma surface treatment as well as method of quantification of primary amino groups. Furthermore, possibility of using plasma to increase efficiency of silylation, and thus possibility of subsequent functionalization of nanofibers due to increased density of amino groups on surface, is discussed.The experimental part deals with plasma treatment of silica nanofibers and their effect on subsequent silylation, where 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTES) is used as silylation agent. In the first phase, effect of atmosphere used and time taken for treatment on the yield of primary amino groups bound to the nanofiber substrate was monitored. The most appropriate combination of atmosphere and time of conditioning was determined. In the second phase, the effect of delay between plasma treatment and silylation on resulting yield was monitored.
Křemičitá nanovlákna, plazmatická úprava, APTES, silylace, modifikace, Silica nanofibers, plasma surface treatment, APTES, silylation, modification