Vývoj středního školství v Kolíně ve 2. polovině 19. století
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Bakalářská práce se zabývá historií středního školství v Kolíně. Střední školy se vyvíjely v době, kdy se rozvíjel kolínský průmysl a kdy vznikaly různé spolky. Bylo to také v součinnosti s rozvojem kulturního a společenského života v Kolíně.V souvislosti s těmito změnami vznikaly střední školy. První byla, ne však střední školou, Hlavní škola. Přeměnila se z farní školy, která už existovala ve 13. století. Ke konci 18. století se jednalo o německou hlavní školu, ale ve druhé polovině 19. století z ní byla česká hlavní škola. V 70. letech 19. století z ní vznikla reálka, ze které se vyvinulo gymnázium. Dalšími středními školami, které vznikaly v 80. letech 19. století, patřily průmyslová a obchodní škola.
Bachelor thesis deals with the history of secondary education in Kolin.Secondary schools have evolved at a time when industry boomed Kolin and when created various associations. It was also in conjunction with the development of cultural and social life in Kolin.In connection with these changes arose secondary school. The first one was, but not secondary school, Main School. Transformed with the parochial schools that already existed in the 13th century. At the end of the 18th century was a major German school, but in the second half of the 19th century it was a Czech school principal. In the 70s of the 19th century it was Real School, which evolved from Gymnasium.Other secondary schools, which originated in the 80s of the 19th century, belonged to the Industrial and Trade School.
Bachelor thesis deals with the history of secondary education in Kolin.Secondary schools have evolved at a time when industry boomed Kolin and when created various associations. It was also in conjunction with the development of cultural and social life in Kolin.In connection with these changes arose secondary school. The first one was, but not secondary school, Main School. Transformed with the parochial schools that already existed in the 13th century. At the end of the 18th century was a major German school, but in the second half of the 19th century it was a Czech school principal. In the 70s of the 19th century it was Real School, which evolved from Gymnasium.Other secondary schools, which originated in the 80s of the 19th century, belonged to the Industrial and Trade School.
almanach, gymnázium, Hasnerův zákon, hlavní škola, Marchetova reforma, obchodní akademie, obchodní škola, průmysl, průmyslová škola, školské reformy, střední škola, reálka, výroční zprávy, Annuals Reports, Almanac, Educational Reforms, Grammar School, Hasner Law, Industry, Industrial School, Main School, Marchet Refom, Real School, Secondary School, Trade Academy, Trade School