Právní aspekty smlouvy o dílo v praxi
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Cílem této bakalářské práce je návrh smlouvy o dílo, jehož předmětem je stavba, smluvními stranami jsou podnikatelské subjekty a návrh smlouvy je koncipován z pohledu objednatele. V úvodní, obecné části, je uvedena charakteristika smlouvy o dílo, stručně je zde popsán historický vývoj její právní úpravy v českém prostředí a současná právní úprava. Poté následuje porovnání právní úpravy smlouvy o dílo před a po rekodifikaci soukromého práva a rozbor jednotlivých typů smlouvy o dílo. Stěžejní část této práce se věnuje rozboru současné právní úpravy smlouvy o dílo, jehož předmětem je stavba, v novém občanském zákoníku. Na základě tohoto rozboru byl proveden návrh smlouvy o dílo na provedení opravy a zateplení střechy pro objednatele, podnikatelský subjekt, přičemž hlavním hlediskem byla ochrana práv objednatele.
The aim of this thesis is a draft of a contract for work whose subject is a construction project. The contracting parties are business entities and the draft of a contract for work has been designed from the perspective of the customer. In the initial general section is the characteristic of a contract for work, it briefly describes the historical development of legislation of contracts for work in the Czech Republic and current legislation. It is followed by a comparison of the legislation of contracts for work before and after the recodification of private law and an analysis of various types of contract work. The main part of the work is devoted to an analysis of the current legislation of contracts for work whose object is the construction project. Based on this analysis a draft was conducted of an example contract for work in this area, the repair and insulation of a roof for business entity client. The main consideration was the protection of the rights of the client.
The aim of this thesis is a draft of a contract for work whose subject is a construction project. The contracting parties are business entities and the draft of a contract for work has been designed from the perspective of the customer. In the initial general section is the characteristic of a contract for work, it briefly describes the historical development of legislation of contracts for work in the Czech Republic and current legislation. It is followed by a comparison of the legislation of contracts for work before and after the recodification of private law and an analysis of various types of contract work. The main part of the work is devoted to an analysis of the current legislation of contracts for work whose object is the construction project. Based on this analysis a draft was conducted of an example contract for work in this area, the repair and insulation of a roof for business entity client. The main consideration was the protection of the rights of the client.
soukromé právo, občanský zákoník, obchodní zákoník, smlouva o dílo, zhotovitel, objednatel, závazek, stavba, Private Law, Civil Code, Commercial Code, Contract for Work, Contractor, Client, Commitment, Construction