Spolupráce rodiny a školy na vybraných středních školách
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V této bakalářské práci je řešena problematika komunikace mezi školou a rodiči na vybraných vyšších gymnáziích a středních odborných školách. Práce se konkrétně zabývá tím, zda, popřípadě jakým způsobem se tato komunikace změnila v důsledku pandemie covidu-19. V teoretické časti jsou nejprve představeny obě zúčastněné strany a dále jsou detailněji rozebrány jejich vztahy. Na základě těchto poznatků jsou stanoveny tři výzkumné otázky. V praktické části jsou pak tyto otázky začleněny do dotazníku, který obdržely vybrané školy. Odpovědi jsou statisticky vyhodnoceny a okomentovány v diskuzi výsledků.
This bachelor thesis deals with the issue of communication between school and parents in selected upper four-year grammar schools and vocational secondary schools. The thesis specifically addresses whether or how this communication has changed as a result of the covid-19 pandemic. The theoretical part first introduces the two parties involved and then discusses their relationship in more detail. Based on these findings, three research questions are identified. In the practical part, these questions are then incorporated into a questionnaire that was given to the selected schools. The answers are statistically evaluated and commented on in the discussion of the results.
This bachelor thesis deals with the issue of communication between school and parents in selected upper four-year grammar schools and vocational secondary schools. The thesis specifically addresses whether or how this communication has changed as a result of the covid-19 pandemic. The theoretical part first introduces the two parties involved and then discusses their relationship in more detail. Based on these findings, three research questions are identified. In the practical part, these questions are then incorporated into a questionnaire that was given to the selected schools. The answers are statistically evaluated and commented on in the discussion of the results.
covid-19, komunikace rodiče a učitele, střední odborné školy, vztahy mezi rodinou a školou, vyšší gymnázia, covid-19, parent-teacher communication, secondary vocational schools, parent-school relationship, four-year grammar schools