Organizace turnaje ve street hokeji
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Hlavním cílem bakalářské práce je příprava, organizace a realizace turnaje v street hokeji, konané na půdě KTV FP Technické univerzity v Liberci pod vedením Akademického sportovního centra. Práce je zaměřena na organizaci turnaje ve street hokeji, ale může být využita při pořádání turnajů v jiném sportu s hokejkou. V syntéze poznatků jsou představeny sporty s hokejkou z hlediska jejich historie, základních pravidel, organizace v České republice i ve světě a také přední sportovci vybraných sportů, kde je čerpáno z odborné literatury. Dále práce představuje finanční analýzu, sponzoring, reklamu, propagaci, plánování a organizování a SWOT analýzu. V praktické části je popsána realizaci samostatného street hokejového turnaje.
The main goal of the bachelor thesis is the preparation, organization and implementation of a street hockey tournament, held at the KTV FP Technical University in Liberec under the leadership of the Academic Sports Center. The work is focused on the organization of a tournament in street hockey, but can be used in organizing tournaments in another sport with hockey sticks The synthesis of knowledge presents sports with a hockey stick in terms of their history, basic rules, organization in Czech republic and in the world, as well as leading athletes in selected sports, where it is drawn from the literature. Furthermore, the work presents financial analysis, sponsorship, advertising, promotion, planning and organizing and SWOT analysis. The practical part describes the implementation of a separate street hockey tournament.
The main goal of the bachelor thesis is the preparation, organization and implementation of a street hockey tournament, held at the KTV FP Technical University in Liberec under the leadership of the Academic Sports Center. The work is focused on the organization of a tournament in street hockey, but can be used in organizing tournaments in another sport with hockey sticks The synthesis of knowledge presents sports with a hockey stick in terms of their history, basic rules, organization in Czech republic and in the world, as well as leading athletes in selected sports, where it is drawn from the literature. Furthermore, the work presents financial analysis, sponsorship, advertising, promotion, planning and organizing and SWOT analysis. The practical part describes the implementation of a separate street hockey tournament.
organizování, plánování, propagace, realizace, reklama, street hokej, sportovní akce, turnaj, advertising, events, organizing, planning, promotion, realization, sports, street hockey, tournamet