Poznej svoji duši - skleněné objekty
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Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá problematikou ztvárnění otisku lidské duše. Cílem je vytvořit soubor skleněných objektů, majících za úkol přimět lidi zastavit se, představit si svou duši a zamyslet se nad tím, kým doopravdy jsme. Inspiraci jsem hledala u lidí z mého okolí i uvnitř sebe. Výsledkem je kolekce lehaného skla a tavených plastik, představujících otisky našich duší, které slouží k uchování a připomenutí našich představ o nich.
This undergraduate thesis deals with the issue of expressing human soul-print. The aim is to create a set of glass objects with the purpose of making people stop and imagine their own souls as well as think about who they really are. I took inspiration from both people around me and my inner self. The outcome is a collection of slumped glass and cold castings symbolizing our soul-prints that serve as a keeper and reminder of our own concepts about them.
This undergraduate thesis deals with the issue of expressing human soul-print. The aim is to create a set of glass objects with the purpose of making people stop and imagine their own souls as well as think about who they really are. I took inspiration from both people around me and my inner self. The outcome is a collection of slumped glass and cold castings symbolizing our soul-prints that serve as a keeper and reminder of our own concepts about them.
duše, sebepoznání, empatie, tolerance, sklo, otisky, skleněné objekty, tavená plastika, lehané sklo, soul, self-recognition, empathy, tolerance, glass, prints, glass objects, cold casting, slumped glass