Carbon-modified plastic materials for food packaging

The work focuses on the development of nanodiamond/polymer coatingson plastic packaging films with an antioxidant effect that inhibits therancidity of fats. The theoretical part deals with aspects of surface sciencerelated with film-forming materials, colloidal suspensions stability,surface wettability and adhesion In addition, it also covers topics such asnanodiamond properties and plastic films tribology. The experimental partinvolves the plastic films surface activation with plasma technology toimprove adhesion, preparation of film-forming suspensions, coatingplastic films with antioxidant layers by casting suspensions on theirsurface, microscopic analysis of the obtained coatings and evaluation oftheir tribological and antioxidant properties. Conducting a controlledrancidification linseed oil spread on the film coated with the developednanodiamond/polymer coatings confirmed their high efficiency.
The work focuses on the development of nanodiamond/polymer coatingson plastic packaging films with an antioxidant effect that inhibits therancidity of fats. The theoretical part deals with aspects of surface sciencerelated with film-forming materials, colloidal suspensions stability,surface wettability and adhesion In addition, it also covers topics such asnanodiamond properties and plastic films tribology. The experimental partinvolves the plastic films surface activation with plasma technology toimprove adhesion, preparation of film-forming suspensions, coatingplastic films with antioxidant layers by casting suspensions on theirsurface, microscopic analysis of the obtained coatings and evaluation oftheir tribological and antioxidant properties. Conducting a controlledrancidification linseed oil spread on the film coated with the developednanodiamond/polymer coatings confirmed their high efficiency.
nanodiamond, food packaging, surface activation, antioxidant coating, tribological properties of polymer coatings, nanodiamond, food packaging, surface activation, antioxidant coating, tribological properties of polymer coatings