Záchranný archeologický výzkum Konejlovy jeskyně v Klokočských skalách

Title Alternative:Emergency archaeological exploration of the Konejl´s cave in Kokočské rocks
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Technická univerzita v Liberci
Technical University of Liberec
Konejl´s cave (k. ú. Bělá u Turnova, PR Kokočské rocks) was explored by 4 probes in August 2010 and July 2011. We registered at least 5 horizons in 15 levels (mechanical layer, thickness 10 cm). Levels 1 and 2 go back from present day to VS2 epoch. Level 3 is identified as acontact layer between high middle ages epoch and early Iron Age (dating of VS1/2 – VS2). Levels 4 to 6 cohere with the early Iron Age (Lt C2-D1). Next levels 7 to 9 are assigned to wide time period ranging from Mesolithe to older/middle Bronze Age of level 7. This period was not registered in artefacts, radiocarbon date 1875 – 1665 BC) originated from level 7. We linked the lowest levels (10 to 15) to Mesolithe, it was proven not only by discovered industry, but by radiocarbon dating too (8225 – 7945 BC). It is actually the oldest Mesolithic date in Český ráj. New discoveries were brought by archeobotanical and archeozoological research.
environmental analyses, Konejl's Cave, emergency archaeological survey, cliff settlements, Český ráj, environmentální analýza, Konejlova jeskyně, záchranný archeologický výzkum, osídlení skalních převisů