K identifikaci portrétu infantky Marie Viktorie z rohanských sbírek

Title Alternative:About the Identification of infanta Mary Victoria Portrait from Rohan Collections.
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Technická univerzita v Liberci
Technical University of Liberec
One of the most popular paintings in Sychrov Castle is a portrait of asmall princess and a doggy. Mainly two features – bourbon lilies and the crown – led the researches to identify the painting as “Bourbon princess”. Similar portraits of the Spanish as infanta Mary Ann Victoria were painted in 1724 by N. de Largillière and A. S. Belle. Members of the House of Rohan, bearers of the title “princes of the royal blood”, were related to her. It was a great-granddaughter of the king Louis XIV., who has his own representation in Rohan gallery as well her father, king Philip V. of Spain. On the base of the analysis of the state of affairs in France, an event of 1721 comes to mind. Three years old infanta was sent to the royal court of France to get engaged to the eleven-year-old king Louis XV. The betrothal painting from Jeana-François De Troy from 1723 can be found in the Florentine gallery and served as atemplate for Sychrov painting. New situation caused that the marriage was called off and the little princess travelled back to Spain – situation, which is reflected on the Sychrov painting. Instead of acourteous chevalier, the princess gives orders only to Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.
princess, infanta Maria Victoria, Nicolas de Largillière, Portrait Gallery of Rohan family, Sychrov, Jean-François De Troy, princezna, infantka Marie Viktorie, rohanská portrétní galerie