Politické procesy 50. let - Kauza Jiřiny Štěpničkové
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V únoru roku 1948 došlo v Československu k státnímu převratu. Moci se chopila Komunistická strana Československa. Nedílnou součástí nového režimu se stala politická perzekuce a procesy. Pronásledováni byli reální i potenciální odpůrci. Obětí se stala i herečka Jiřina Štěpničková, která byla zadržena při přechodu státních hranic a následně odsouzena. Cílem práce je na základě analýzy pramenů a jejich komparace s poznatky z literatury rekonstruovat její životní příběh především v kontextu výše zmíněného politického procesu.
In February 1948 there was a political takeover in Czechoslovakia. The Communist party of Czechoslovakia seized the power. Political persecution and trials became an integral part of the new regime. Both real and potential opponents were persecuted. One of the victims was actress Jiřina Štěpničková, who was arrested while crossing the national border and then sentenced. The aim of the bachelor thesis is to reconstruct her life story, especially in the context of the above-mentioned political trials, based on the analysis of sources and their comparation with the literature.
In February 1948 there was a political takeover in Czechoslovakia. The Communist party of Czechoslovakia seized the power. Political persecution and trials became an integral part of the new regime. Both real and potential opponents were persecuted. One of the victims was actress Jiřina Štěpničková, who was arrested while crossing the national border and then sentenced. The aim of the bachelor thesis is to reconstruct her life story, especially in the context of the above-mentioned political trials, based on the analysis of sources and their comparation with the literature.
Politická perzekuce, politické procesy, ilegální přechody státní hranice, Státní bezpečnost, Státní soud, kulturní politika, film, propaganda, Jiřina Štěpničková, Political persecution, political trials, illegal crossings of national border, State Secret Police, State court, cultural policy, film, propaganda, Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, Jiřina Štěpničková