Recent Submissions
- ItemCOMPARISON OF QUANTITATIVE METHODS FOR DETERMINING THE ANTIBACTERIAL EFFECTIVENESS OF NON-WOVEN TEXTILES(Technical University of Liberec, ) ŠČASNÍKOVÁ, KATARÍNA; SIBILOVÁ, ANDREA; BÁNOVSKÁ, ZUZANA; Technická univerzita v LiberciThis contribution is aimed at comparing two quantitative methods for determining the antibacterial effectiveness of non-woven textiles and assessment of permanence of the antimicrobial finish of the nonwoven textile materials prepared from polypropylene fibers. Experience and results obtained by the quantitative test methods specified in AATCC TM 100 and STN EN ISO 20743 intended to evaluate the effectiveness of the antibacterial finish are published in the contribution. Emphasis is placed on comparability of the selected test methods, on the test microorganism used in the study as well as on evaluation of the results of antibacterial effectiveness. The non-woven fabrics, that were the subject of the evaluation, were pre-treated by surface activation with low-temperature plasma at atmospheric pressure and subsequently finished using antimicrobial (AMB) nanosol solution with a concentration of 15 ppm Ag+, 30 ppm Ag+, 60 ppm Ag+ and 120 ppm Ag+. Antibacterial effectiveness before washing and after 5 washing cycles is demonstrated on the specific examples obtained from practice.
- ItemUSE OF ARDUINO-COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS IN DEVICES FOR DETERMINATION OF COLOR INDICATORS OF FLAX FIBER(Technical University of Liberec, ) TOLMACHOV, VOLODYMYR; RIABKO, ANDRII; Technická univerzita v LiberciThe paper substantiates the use for Hue, Saturation, Value color model to determine the color coordinates of flax fiber, based on it proposed a new device for determining the color indicators of flax fiber using of arduino-compatible systems, outlines the principle of its operation and design features, and tests of the developed device using reference samples of flax fiber.
- ItemTHE INFLUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION OF NON-WOVEN TEXTILES ON AIR PERMEABILITY FOR THEIR APPLICATION IN THE COMMUNITY FACE MASKS(Technical University of Liberec, ) BALOGOVÁ, ĽUDMILA; HULJAKOVÁ, KAMILA; Technická univerzita v LiberciThe article is aimed at evaluating the air permeability of various types of non-woven fabrics prepared by Spunbond, Spunbond-Meltblown-Spunbond technology and non-woven fabrics reinforced mechanically by needling and thermal calendering. These are commercially available non-woven fabrics with various mass per unit area and thickness made of 100 % polypropylene, without special surface finish. By combining individual types of non-woven fabrics, three-layer and four-layer textile materials were prepared, meeting the minimum requirement of technical standardization information TNI CWA 17553 for air permeability, intended for application in the community face masks. As part of the experimental works, the effect of increased humidity on the air permeability of three-layer non-woven fabrics was verified as well.
- ItemRESOURCE-SAVING TECHNOLOGY OF PRODUCING TEXTILE MATERIALS WITH ANTIMICROBIAL PROPERTIES(Technical University of Liberec, ) MARTIROSYAN, IRINA; PAKHOLIUK, OLENA; DZIUBYNSKYI, ANDRII; NIKOLAICHUK, LARISA; LUTSKOVA, VIKTORIA; LUBENETS, VIRA; PEREDRIY, OKSANA; Technická univerzita v LiberciThis work is devoted to the study of antimicrobial properties of cellulose-containing textile materials treated with new safe biocidal products of thiosulfonate structure. A resource-saving method of providing antimicrobial properties to cellulose-containing textile materials is presented. High antimicrobial activity of biocidal products after washing was established. The duration of action and expediency of their use in the textile industry are proved. It is shown that after 10 washes the treated tissues lose only 14-15% of antimicrobial properties.
- ItemINFLUENCE OF SOME WINDING PARAMETERS ON HAIRINESS OF YARN AFTER WINDING PROCESS(Technical University of Liberec, ) TRAN DUC TRUNG; CHU DIEU HUONG; DAO ANH TUAN; Technická univerzita v LiberciHairiness is an important quality parameter of yarn after winding process. It affects not only the quality of yarn, but also the productivity of the warping, weaving, knitting machines as well as the quality of produced fabrics. Hairiness is influenced by the factors of raw materials, technology and equipment at all stages of yarn production. This article presents the results of experimental research on the simultaneous influence of four typical winding parameters, including: Winding speed (Z1), the load on the friction discs of the yarn tensioner (Z2), the distance between the bobbin and the yarn guide (Z3) and the pressure of package on the grooved drum (Z4) to the increasing percentage of the hairiness of the yarns after winding compared to that before winding. Yarn hairiness was measured by Uster tester 5. By using the second-order orthogonal experimental planning, together with the support of Excel 2019 and Design Expert 11 software, an experimental matrix and mathematical models describing the relationship between the four winding parameters and increasing percentage of the hairiness of three types of yarn (carded Ne 31/1 CVCD, combed Ne 30/1 CVCM, combed Ne 30/1 COCM) are established. The research result is the scientific basis for selecting the optimal winding parameters in order to achieve the required increase in hairiness of the yarn after winding or predict hairiness increase of the yarns before winding.