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- ItemŠkola – služba systému, státu či bezpečí žáka. Vývoj školní edukace v bezpečnostní problematice(Národní pedagogické muzeum a knihovna J. A. Komenského, ) Kovaříková, Miroslava; Technická univerzita v LiberciThe article discusses the issue of the development of school education within the scope of security problems, education in the school subject “civil defence education”. This discussion is set in the context of the development of teacher training in the given area. The text reconstructs selected “reactions” of educational policy and teachers’ training processes regarding the contemporary perception of “safety in school”. The last part of the text is dedicated to connecting historical contexts and current issues of safety in schools and education that supports health and a safe environment in schools.
- ItemVzdělávání jako podnikání: Role soukromých škol v procesu institucionalizace komerčního školství v Čechách do roku 1918(Národní pedagogické muzeum a knihovna J. A. Komenského, ) Kadlec, Petr; Technická univerzita v LiberciThe study is dedicated to the role of private schools in the process of institutionalization of the commercial education between the half of the 19th century up to 1918. It takes into account the quantitative development, organisation and study programmes. The author aims to highlight the specifics of these schools and their complicated relationship with other commercial educational institutions. From a nationwide perspective the text is delving into the level of specific schools.
- ItemLatinčina ako predmet diskusie v rámci reformy strednej školy v 1. ČSR. Význam klasického vzdelania(Národní pedagogické muzeum a knihovna J. A. Komenského, ) Adamčíková, Annamária; Technická univerzita v LiberciThe Latin language formed an essential component that conveyed the image of antiquity in the secondary schools of the First Czechoslovak Republic. Latin was one of the most controversial topics in the context of secondary school reform. A heated debate stirred up about its limitations within secondary education. This dispute polarized the defenders and opponents of classical languages. Therefore, this study aims to reconstruct, through a critical discourse analysis, how Latin was perceived, how it was discussed and what place was attributed to it by the different parties. The author places the topic in the context of interwar period in the Czechoslovak Republic and the reform of the secondary school. The work is based on the critical study of contemporary periodicals, documents and literature. This thesis can contribute to an assessment of the place of antiquity in present secondary education and, by extension, of the humanities education overall.
- ItemThe State as the Owner of Education: Totalitarian Regimes and Education in Europe in the Second Half of the 20th Century. An International Conference, 12–13 October 2023, Trnava, Slovakia(Národní pedagogické muzeum a knihovna J. A. Komenského, ) Polenghi, Simonetta; Technická univerzita v Liberci
- ItemThe Children in Need in Postwar Macedonia (1944–1950)(Národní pedagogické muzeum a knihovna J. A. Komenského, ) Miovska-Spaseva, Suzana; Technická univerzita v LiberciThe article examines the educational and social needs of children in the devastated and impoverished People’s Republic of Macedonia (Narodna Republika Makedonija – NRM) as one of the constituent units of the yugoslav Federation (Federativna Narodna Republika yugoslavia – FNRJ) in the first years after the end of World War II. The focus is primarily given on the measures and activities that the Macedonian policy makers undertook in the areas of education and social protection of children and the changes their implementation brought in children’s life. Based on the study of a large number of legal acts and other primary sources, the various aspects of the democratization of education and social care in the new postwar political context are examined: expansion of the school network, access to educational and social institutions and services for all children, recognition of the right to education in the mother tongue, establishment of pre-school education, special education and the protection of vulnerable children. The research interest is also focused on the needs of a large number of children refugees, mostly Macedonians, who were evacuated during the civil war in Greece from its northern parts and sent to the socialist states in the Balkans and in Eastern Europe. Most of them were housed in yugoslavia and especially in Macedonia, which in 1948 became the largest transit center and shelter for thousands of children in need. Based largely on archival material and testimonies of child refugees, the article sheds light on the process of evacuation of children, their life in children’s homes throughout Macedonia and the endeavors of the state to meet their needs for shelter, food, education and normal life.
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