Browsing by Author "Novotný, Petr"
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- ItemChování kondenzačního kotle při ohřevu TUV v průtokovém výměníku(Technická Univerzita v Liberci, 2005-01-01) Stanečka, Tomáš; Novotný, PetrThis work is intended on behaving of gas condensing boiler during heating of warm water. In its first part it is engaged in gas boilers, their perspectives, construction, used technical improvements, especially condensing technology. Here is outline of parameters and functions of boiler Vitodens 200 from Viessmann. The second part content problems of heat exchanger their classification and basic calculation relations. The third part is set to measurement of dynamic characteristics of exist gas boiler (Viessmann Vitodens 200) during different flow rates of warmed-over water through heat exchanger.
- ItemDynamika lokální teplárenské soustavy(Technická Univerzita v Liberci, 2006-01-01) Šimůnský, Jan; Novotný, PetrThe work compiles data obtained from a long-term heat consumtion messuring on district heated area Králův Háj in Liberec. This district heating area is operated by Teplárna Liberec,a.s.. The work describes system behaviour in heat consumtion depending on the outside temperature.
- ItemHodnocení energetické náročnosti panelového domu(Technická Univerzita v Liberci, 2008-01-01) Stanečka, Tomáš; Novotný, PetrThis thesis is focused on energy performance rating of panel building. The first part is about the energy performance rating in the connection with valid legal regulations. In the second part is description of the software for calculation of energy performance. The third part is set to rate energy performance of the concrete panel house with this software. There are also several solutions leading to decrease energy performance including energetic and economic evaluation.
- ItemInovace ventilátorové trati(Technická Univerzita v Liberci, 2005-01-01) Šrámek, Ladislav; Novotný, PetrThe aim of this work was to propose the innovation of ventilator line in the laboratory of air-conditioning technique, to change power drive of ventilator and to propose a method of data logging. A substantial part of work was measurement of ventilator characteristic. It carried out first on ventilator line with an original direct-current motor powered by Ward-Leonard aggregate and after power drive change on ventilator line with an induction motor powered by frequency charger. The ventilator characteristic was measured at different revolutions that were operated by frequency of alternating current generated by the frequency charger. The measurements revealed a drawback of ventilator line consisting in too great pressure losses caused mainly by an orifice plate. They did not make it possible to realise complete measurement of ventilator characteristic. It was proposed to change the original orifice plate with diameter d = 54.77 mm for a new one with greater diameter (maximally d = 80.32). Such measure will decrease pressure losses several times. A method of automatic data logging for measurement on ventilator line was proposed. Necessary ranges of pressure sensors, temperature sensors, and air-humidity sensors used on ventilator line were estimated from supposed fluid-flow values and from the other conditions on the ventilator line. All sensors can be connected to the data logging system ADAM 5000 which is at disposal in the laboratory and which is connected to a computer. It would make it possible to process all measurement by computer.
- ItemKompletní návrh systému vytápění budovy "A" TU v Liberci(Technická Univerzita v Liberci, 2007-01-01) Vinš, Tomáš; Novotný, PetrThe work is focused on the verification of the cogeneration unit design using standard evaluation procedures for other types of heat sources. The methodology is improved by narrowing the exterior temperature measuring intervals and enhancing their accuracy. The exterior air temperature behavior during the whole heating season was measured, which is used for the unit design. The project takes into account the cooperation of the designed cogeneration unit and the existing steam heat exchanger station Husova-Bendlova. The suitability of the chosen cogeneration units was then compared between different types of these units and to other available heat sources.
- ItemLaboratoř obnovitelných zdrojů, větrná energie(Technická Univerzita v Liberci, 2014-01-01) Slepička, Richard; Novotný, PetrTato diplomová práce se zabývá větrnou energií, popisuje obecně jednotlivé druhy soustav, jejich parametry a vzájemné propojení s ohledem na optimální provoz systému jako celku. Zabývá se hlavně konkrétním návrhem laboratoře větrné elektrárny v areálu školy.
- ItemMapování v intravilánu jako aplikace geografie(2018-11-29) Novotný, Petr; Nižnanský Branislav, doc. RNDr. CSc. : 61162Práce obsahuje popis zkušeností autora s tříletou účastí na projektu organizovaném katedrou geografie ve spolupráci s firmou HERE. Analyzovány jsou datové struktury, kterými je na úrovni databáze popsán geografický prostor z pohledu dat potřebných pro navigace. Tyto datové struktury jsou analyzovány, jak z pohledu jejich struktury a zjišťovaných geodat, tak z tematického hlediska jako předmět zájmu geografie. Popsáno je řízení získávání a ukládání dat, které mohli studenti v průběhu cvičení diskutovat a navrhovat případné změny.Práce má teoretickou a praktickou část. Teoretická část začíná přehledem literatury zaměřené na mapování geografických dat studenty geografických pracovišť. Podstatnou složkou práce je praktická část popisující geografické objekty na mapování, kterých se podílel i autor. Tyto jsou v práci podrobně popsány jako datové struktury. Praktická část obsahuje ukázky tabulek, s kterými se studenti při mapování setkávají a které jsou informatickou alternativou pro geografické objekty reálného světa.
- ItemMěření charakteristik na odstředivém čerpadle(Technická Univerzita v Liberci, 2005-01-01) Švarc, Petr; Novotný, PetrHydraulic pumps are the part of hydraulic machines family and are commonly used in almost all branches of the industrial engineering. They have various possibilities of usage and therefore there is a huge amount of these machines all over the world. Lots of companies are focused on increasing output power as well as efficiency. One of the solutions how to reach higher efficiency is operating control and regulation of hydraulic pumps. The intentions of this work were to compare two different hydraulic pumps from the Wilo Company based on measuring of operating parameters. Two types of pumps " Stratos and Top-S " were chosen. The Stratos pump is electronically regulated, with possibility of settings of different operation modes. The Top-S pump is the common type without outer regulation. The operating parameters of the Stratos pump were measured during the different modes of the constant revolution, constant and variable differential pressure. The whole mechanism was vibrating during reducing of the flow's rate in the differential mode. These vibrations were measured as exact as measure equipment allowed. While measuring the power input and efficiency there were taken fifteen different measurements on the Stratos pump. The operating characteristics of the Top-S pump along with power input and efficiency were measured in three operating modes, which are available. Measured results were pictured into graphs and compared to each other. The Stratos pump shows higher efficiency. This pump is electronically controlled and it uses modern technologies. On the other hand it is more expensive than the Top-S pump.
- ItemMěření charakteristiky radiálního stupně turbokompresoru - 353 V1(Technická Univerzita v Liberci, 2010-01-01) Matějíček, Aleš; Novotný, PetrThis thesis describes measurement on optimized centrifugal compressor stage for light gases compression providing low volumetric flows and low head coefficients. Work is divided into several parts. After short theoretical introduction follows description of the test stand with compressor Darina III on CKD Nove Energo test workshop. Next chapter discusses measuring instrumentation. Data processing and performance curves diagram construction is treated in the last chapter.
- ItemMěření na turbokompresoru(Technická Univerzita v Liberci, 2012-01-01) Griga, Vladimír; Novotný, PetrThe purpose of this Bachelor Thesis is to measure the characteristics of a turbocharger and to recalculate them in respect of the guaranteed values declared by the manufacturer. The turbocharger was manufactured in 1965 by ČKD and now it is located in the laboratory of the Technical University of Liberec. The Thesis is divided into several chapters. The first chapter deals with the theory of radial turbochargers and marginally also with the theory of axial turbochargers. The second chapter describes the entire measuring line with all the measuring devices and instruments. The third chapter defines the procedure of the measurements performed on the turbocharger. The fourth chapter contains a graphical evaluation of the measured and calculated values. The subject matter of the fifth chapter is a proposal for a laboratory exercise titled Turbocharger Measurement, and the sixth chapter contains the conclusion of the whole measurement. The values that have been measured and calculated are shown in the charts in Appendix II and their sample form is attached as Appendix I.
- ItemMěření průtoku vody v uzavřeném potrubí(Technická Univerzita v Liberci, 2012-01-01) Nguyen van, Vu; Novotný, PetrAim of this bachelor thesis to measure water flow in closed pipelines by using the orifice and mass flow meter, Coriolis mass flow meter from Siemens, and to compare these results. Verify efficiency of electrical pump, which is integrated on closed pipelines, while changing the mass flow. Propose another suitable mass flow meter and manometer for laboratory purposes. Write instruction and protocol for measuring water mass flow with the pipelines.
- ItemMěření tlakových ztrát při tlaku 4000 bar(Technická Univerzita v Liberci, 2013-01-01) Balner, Vojtěch; Novotný, PetrTato bakalářská práce se zabývá stanovením tlakové ztráty v jednotlivých součástech vysokotlakého rozvodu používaného při řezání vodním paprskem. V úvodu práce autor popisuje konstrukci vysokotlakých čerpadel. Dále autor popisuje teoretický model tlakových ztrát, následovaný experimentálním měřením. V závěru se autor věnuje praktickému výpočtu modelu ztrát z naměřené drsnosti vnitřního průměru vybraných součástí.
- ItemMěření ventilátorové charakteristiky(Technická Univerzita v Liberci, 2011-01-01) Rezek, Michal; Novotný, PetrPurpose of this work is detection of dimensional radial ventilation fan. Radial ventilation fan is situated on the Technical University of Liberec in the laboratory. Ventilation fan was made in 1961. Due to this fact there is only small amount of source materials. The only I have, are in suplement II. The main research of this project was checking up parameters from the ventilator label up and finding it´s dimensionality. In the first chapter I present generally about the theory of ventilation fan. In the second chapter there is describted ventilator´s way. In items is mentioned control process in the third chapter. In the fouth chapter you can find measurement results. In the fifth chapter I write about observed characteristic of ventilator fan and matching both gauges. There is final result of measurement. In the last chapter I refer back laboratory measurement. Presentive results of particular measurements are in supplement I. In suplement III I show prefigurative calculation.
- ItemMěření vlastností vody pro tažnou nádrž(Technická Univerzita v Liberci, 2012-01-01) Novosád, Jan; Novotný, PetrThis bachelor thesis deals with the measurement of electrical conductivity of water with NaCl solution, verification conductivity depending on the concentration of the solution and providing for a procedure to determine the amount of salt to be added to the towing tank to ensure proper conditions for monitoring body wrap. The measurement is done for tap water and distilled water and the results are compared with each other. It describes the measurements of pH and oxygen solubility in the solution and evaluate the possibility of using chemical products for water treatment. I use ALMEMO multifunction meter with relevant probes. The thesis also includes design and construction of preparation for measuring probes in the tank.
- ItemModelování interakcí nanočástic železa ve vodném prostředí s využitím programu The Geochemist#s Workbench(2010-01-01) Novotný, Petr
- ItemModelování interakcí nanočástic železa ve vodném prostředí s využitím programu The Geochemist's Workbench.(Technická Univerzita v Liberci, 2013-12-27) Novotný, Petr; Klímková, ŠtěpánkaCílem této práce je porovnání výsledků laboratorních a modelových výstupů interakcí železných nanočástic (nZVI) s různými látkami v uměle vytvořeném systému simulujícím reálné prostředí. Experimenty a modelování v The Geochemist's Workbench (GWB) byly rozděleny na dvě části, přičemž první část se zabývá imobilizací hliníku pomocí hydroxidů a nZVI, a druhá interakcí nulmocného nanoželeza s vybranými solemi v různých podmínkách zkoumaného systému. Dalším z hlavních cílů bylo posouzení vlivu atmosféry na procesy probíhající v reakčním systému. Přídavkem zmíněných činidel do systému dochází ke zvýšení hodnoty pH. To má za následek snížení koncentrace jednotlivých iontů v kapalné fázi vzorků, což je pozitivní fakt vzhledem k jejich imobilizaci. Vliv atmosféry byl nezanedbatelný. Laboratorní výstupy hydroxidů téměř kopírují modelovaný výstup, avšak výstupní hodnoty vzorků s přídavkem nZVI se od sebe poměrně lišily. Důvodem rozdílů je přístup GWB, který počítá s termodynamicky stabilními produkty, kterých nebylo v rámci časové dotace experimentu možné dosáhnout.
- ItemNávrh ohřevu teplé užitkové vody pomocí solárních kolektorů(Technická Univerzita v Liberci, 2008-01-01) Šrámek, Ladislav; Novotný, PetrThe work deals with the engineering solution of water heating. There are described some alternative solar circles for using in a real flat house in Liberec. The proposed variants are compared according to their profitability.
- ItemPasivní dům chráněný zemí(Technická Univerzita v Liberci, 2010-01-01) Paleček, Roman; Novotný, PetrThis work deals with saving energy in Earth-sheltered passive house. The specific example solve the technical exekution of the construction, composition of construction materials, soil properties and calculatin of heat loss. Including setting cost of acquisition of passive house.
- ItemPočítačový sběr dat z ventilátorové trati(Technická Univerzita v Liberci, 2007-01-01) Palaštuk, Petr; Novotný, PetrThe aim of this writing was to familiarize with the ventilátor line in the air conditioning lab to suggest and to realize the systém of an authomatic data collection. A part of the given assignment was to design and to make up a program for the data collection only by using the measuring Instruments which are available in the lab. The next step was to effect the measurements in order to test the functionallity of single program-parts and of sensors used by those measurements. If possible the east thing to do was to suggest some innovations and some other alternatives of the calculus specification.
- ItemPohled do světa slangů(2004-01-01) Novotný, Petr
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