Zpracování a vizualizace geodat v projektu Studentská mapa Liberce
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Práce se skládá z teoretické a praktické části. Teoretická část je zaměřena na problematiku geodat, jejich získávání, zpracování, vizualizaci a publikaci. Začátek práce se zaměřuje na rešerši a popis projektů s obdobnou tématikou jako Studentská mapa Liberce. Následně se věnuje rešerši literatury zabývající se problematikou geodat. Každá kapitola obsahuje teoretickou a praktickou část. Začátek kapitol je věnován teoretické části, přibližuje téma dané kapitoly a odkazuje se na zdroje informací. Druhá část kapitol se věnuje praktické části. Ta popisuje postup práce na studentském projektu Studentská mapa Liberce od jejího začátku (získávání dat) až po její publikaci v podobě webové aplikace. V poslední kapitole autor přibližuje své zkušenosti s geodaty i z jiných projektů, na kterých se podílel.
This bachelor thesis consists of a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part focuses on the topic of geodata and looks in detail at their acquisition, processing, visualization and publishing. The beginning of the thesis focuses on research and description of projects similar to Student Map of Liberec. Further it is concerned with research of literature describing the topic of geodata. Each chapter of this thesis also contains both a theoretical part and a practical part. The beginning of each chapter is the theoretical part which introduces the topic of the chapter and refers to sources of information. The second part of each chapter includes the practical part and describes the process of creating the Student Map of Liberec project from the beginning (data acquisition) up to its publishing in the form of a web application. In the last chapter the author shares his experience with geodata which were acquired in other projects he worked on.
This bachelor thesis consists of a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part focuses on the topic of geodata and looks in detail at their acquisition, processing, visualization and publishing. The beginning of the thesis focuses on research and description of projects similar to Student Map of Liberec. Further it is concerned with research of literature describing the topic of geodata. Each chapter of this thesis also contains both a theoretical part and a practical part. The beginning of each chapter is the theoretical part which introduces the topic of the chapter and refers to sources of information. The second part of each chapter includes the practical part and describes the process of creating the Student Map of Liberec project from the beginning (data acquisition) up to its publishing in the form of a web application. In the last chapter the author shares his experience with geodata which were acquired in other projects he worked on.
geodata, geoprostorová data, GIS, získávání dat, zpracování dat, vizualizace dat, publikace dat, třída prvků, webová mapa, webová aplikace, geodata, geospatial data, GIS, data acquisition, data processing, data visualization, data publishing, feature class, web map, web application