Politické procesy 50. let - Ilegální skupina Blesk
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Tato diplomová práce se zabývá činností Illegální skupiny Blesk, politickým procesem s jejími členy, výkonem trestů a následnými osudy aktérů. Skupina Blesk byla složená z mladistvých pražských mladíků, z nichž někteří byli skauti a někteří studenti. V zimě 1948 - 1949 probíhal jejich boj s komunismem v Československu, který hlavně zaměřili na tvorbu a rozšiřování letáků. Nicméně v březnu 1949 došlo k zatčení členů Blesku, což zapříčinilo, že dnes zmíněnou skupinu můžeme uvádět jak v řadách třetího odboje, tak v řadách politických vězňů. Zásadním specifikem ovšem je, že většina z mladíků vykonala svůj trest v Ústavu pro mladistvé delikventy v Zámrsku. Tato práce tedy rekonstruuje zmíněnou kauzu, čímž přináší cenný příspěvek k tématice mladistvých politických vězňů v Československu.
This thesis deals with the activity of the illegal group Blesk, as well as with the political process with its members, execution of the sentences and the subsequent fates of the participants. The group Blesk was composed of young men from Prague, some of whom were Scouts, some were students. During the winter of 1948 and 1949, these young men fought against the communism in Czechoslovakia, their main activity being a production and a distribution of the information leaflets. However, in March 1949, the members of Blesk were arrested, which is the reason why nowadays, the group can be classified both as a part of the Third Resistance and a part of the political prisoners. Nevertheless, what is the most unique about this group is the fact that the majority of the young men underwent their sentences in the Institute for juvenile offenders (Ústav pro mladistvé delikventy) in Zámrsk. This thesis reconstructs the whole affair and therefore represents an important contribution to the topic of adolescent political prisoners in Czechoslovakia.
This thesis deals with the activity of the illegal group Blesk, as well as with the political process with its members, execution of the sentences and the subsequent fates of the participants. The group Blesk was composed of young men from Prague, some of whom were Scouts, some were students. During the winter of 1948 and 1949, these young men fought against the communism in Czechoslovakia, their main activity being a production and a distribution of the information leaflets. However, in March 1949, the members of Blesk were arrested, which is the reason why nowadays, the group can be classified both as a part of the Third Resistance and a part of the political prisoners. Nevertheless, what is the most unique about this group is the fact that the majority of the young men underwent their sentences in the Institute for juvenile offenders (Ústav pro mladistvé delikventy) in Zámrsk. This thesis reconstructs the whole affair and therefore represents an important contribution to the topic of adolescent political prisoners in Czechoslovakia.
Ilegální skupina Blesk, Třetí odboj, Politické procesy, Ústav pro mladistvé delikventy v Zámrsku, Československo, The Illegal group of Blesk, the Third Resistance, the political processes, the Institute for juvenile offenders in Zámrsk, Czechoslovakia