Modern Transmission Mechanism of Production Machines

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Cam design is constantly evolving. In recent years, with the rapid developmentand popularization of mechanical products in modern society, it has been such animportant question on designing and producing mechanisms precisely. Also, togetherwith the assistance of the numerically controlled manufacture system being widelyapplied in this time, which are useful tools for the designer to develop a new type ofcam profile.Therefore, this dissertation mainly focuses on designing a novel cam mechanismfor converting the rotation cam to a desired rotary motion of the output shaft. Thedesign based on the idea of altering the roller follower by the ball for a groove cammechanism. Where the ball plays a roller of the follower in a conventional camfollower. Due to the balls connect the grooving cam and the grooves of the output shaft,they perform pure rolling motion without sliding. Hence, the main function of the ballstransfers the moments and velocities from the camshaft into the output shaft. With theinput, the body is the groove cam and the output shaft is driven one.Due to the contact between the balls with their grooves on each part of the cammechanism is very important can directly affect the lifespan and the ability working ofthe structure of the groove cam. Therefore, the thesis also determines the contact stressbetween the ball and the grooves on output camshaft, middle part as well as a circulargroove on the input camshaft by using both theory and fine element analysis methods.Through contact analysis, the changes could be shown in contact pressure, strain,penetration, friction stress on the groove cam mechanism. Based on the resultssimulation by ANSYS Workbench can aid the designer to redesign the model to obtain the optimal design. Finally, from the simulation results revealed that the computationalvalues were consistent with theoretical values. It can be concluded that the proposeddesign has been successfully designing.Finally, the groove cam mechanism was manufactured successfully at theLaboratory of Department of the Design of Machine Elements and Mechanism ofTechnical University of Liberec, Czech Republic.
Cam design is constantly evolving. In recent years, with the rapid developmentand popularization of mechanical products in modern society, it has been such animportant question on designing and producing mechanisms precisely. Also, togetherwith the assistance of the numerically controlled manufacture system being widelyapplied in this time, which are useful tools for the designer to develop a new type ofcam profile.Therefore, this dissertation mainly focuses on designing a novel cam mechanismfor converting the rotation cam to a desired rotary motion of the output shaft. Thedesign based on the idea of altering the roller follower by the ball for a groove cammechanism. Where the ball plays a roller of the follower in a conventional camfollower. Due to the balls connect the grooving cam and the grooves of the output shaft,they perform pure rolling motion without sliding. Hence, the main function of the ballstransfers the moments and velocities from the camshaft into the output shaft. With theinput, the body is the groove cam and the output shaft is driven one.Due to the contact between the balls with their grooves on each part of the cammechanism is very important can directly affect the lifespan and the ability working ofthe structure of the groove cam. Therefore, the thesis also determines the contact stressbetween the ball and the grooves on output camshaft, middle part as well as a circulargroove on the input camshaft by using both theory and fine element analysis methods.Through contact analysis, the changes could be shown in contact pressure, strain,penetration, friction stress on the groove cam mechanism. Based on the resultssimulation by ANSYS Workbench can aid the designer to redesign the model to obtain the optimal design. Finally, from the simulation results revealed that the computationalvalues were consistent with theoretical values. It can be concluded that the proposeddesign has been successfully designing.Finally, the groove cam mechanism was manufactured successfully at theLaboratory of Department of the Design of Machine Elements and Mechanism ofTechnical University of Liberec, Czech Republic.
Groove cam, cam groove optimization, ball transition, contact analysis, novel cam, groove ball transmission, Groove cam, cam groove optimization, ball transition, contact analysis, novel cam, groove ball transmission