Klient distribuovaného hlasového rozpoznávače pro Windows Mobile zařízení
Title Alternative:Distributed speech recognition client for Windows Mobile devices
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Technická Univerzita v Liberci
Cílem této práce je vývoj aplikace - klienta pro distribuovaný hlasový rozpoznávač, který bude fungovat v systému Windows Mobile. K pochopení problematiky jsou nutné alespoň základní znalosti hlasových technologií a operačního systému Windows Mobile pro kapesní zařízení. Práce proto seznamuje s hlasovými technologiemi obecně a s jejich současným stavem v České republice. Detailněji se věnuje problematice distribuovaných systémů pro rozpoznávání mluveného slova, zejména systému dostupnému na Ústavu informačních technologií a elektroniky Technické univerzity v Liberci. Okrajově se zmiňuje o vývoji aplikací pro kapesní zařízení se systémem Windows Mobile pod platformou .NET Compact framework. Obsahuje detailní analýzu struktury klienta pro distribuovaný rozpoznávač a jeho komunikaci se serverem. Dále zahrnuje popis vývoje samotného klienta a ukázkové aplikace.
This report goal is development of application - a client for a distributed voice recognizer, which will work on Windows Mobile. To understand this issue are needed at least a basic knowledge of voice technology and Windows Mobile operating system for handheld devices. This report introduces the voice technologies in general and their present situation in the Czech Republic. It contains detailed descriptions of distributed sound recognition systems, especially the system available at the Institute of Information Technology and Electronics, Technical University of Liberec. This report also mentions the development of applications for handheld devices with Windows Mobile operating system under the .NET compact framework platform. Last part of this report contains detailed analysis of the structure for a client of distributed speech recognizer, its communication with the server and the description of client development and sample application development.
This report goal is development of application - a client for a distributed voice recognizer, which will work on Windows Mobile. To understand this issue are needed at least a basic knowledge of voice technology and Windows Mobile operating system for handheld devices. This report introduces the voice technologies in general and their present situation in the Czech Republic. It contains detailed descriptions of distributed sound recognition systems, especially the system available at the Institute of Information Technology and Electronics, Technical University of Liberec. This report also mentions the development of applications for handheld devices with Windows Mobile operating system under the .NET compact framework platform. Last part of this report contains detailed analysis of the structure for a client of distributed speech recognizer, its communication with the server and the description of client development and sample application development.
katedra: ITE; přílohy: 1 DVD ROM; rozsah: 44s