Rozvoj pohybových schopností u dětí předškolního věku
Title Alternative:Development of motor skills in preschool children
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Bakalářská práce je zaměřena na rozvoj pohybových schopností dětí předškolního věku a obsahuje teoretickou a praktickou část. V teoretické části řeším pohybové schopnosti a jejich dělení, zaměřuji se na pohybové schopnosti dětí předškolního věku, dále na pohybový vývoj dítěte v tomto období a organizaci tělesné výchovy v mateřské škole. V praktické části zjišťuji rozvoj pohybových schopností u dětí předškolního věku z dané mateřské školy. Nejprve proběhly vstupní motorické testy, které se skládaly z hodu tenisovým míčkem jednoruč, skoku snožmo z místa a člunkového běhu 4x 10 m. Motorických testů se zúčastnily dvě třídy z mateřské školy. Na jednu třídu byl následně aplikován zásobník cvičení zaměřený na rozvoj pohybových schopností a na druhou ne. Z tohoto zásobníku se čerpaly činnosti v dané mateřské škole po dobu deseti týdnů. Čerpalo se z činností zaměřených na běh, hod, skok, tedy činností zaměřených na rozvoj výbušné síly dolních i horních končetin, rychlosti, koordinace, pohyblivosti, ale i vytrvalosti. Po deseti týdnech opět proběhly motorické testy obou tříd a byly porovnávány vstupní a výstupní testy a následně byly porovnávány rozdíly mezi danými třídami.
This work is focused on the growth of the physical abiilities of the preschool children and includes both theoretical and practical parts.In the theoretical part I deal with physical abilites and its divisions. I focus on preschool childrens physical abilities, on the motion development of kids in this age and organizing physical education in kindergarten.In the practical part I am looking at the motion development of kids in the preschool age from certain kindergarten. At first the entering motoric tests were done which consisted of throwing the tenis ball one-handed, two-footed jump and shuttle run 4x10 m. Two kindergarten classes took part in those motoric tests. An exercise stack which was focused on motion development was applied to one class while not on the other one. The exercises were drawn out of the stack in certain kindergarten for ten weeks. The chosen exercises were focused on running, throwing, jumping which are ones that are focused on developing explosive power of lower and upper limbs, speed, coordination, mobility and persistance as well. Ten weeks later the motoric tests of both classes were done again and after first comparing the input and output results both classes were compared as well.
This work is focused on the growth of the physical abiilities of the preschool children and includes both theoretical and practical parts.In the theoretical part I deal with physical abilites and its divisions. I focus on preschool childrens physical abilities, on the motion development of kids in this age and organizing physical education in kindergarten.In the practical part I am looking at the motion development of kids in the preschool age from certain kindergarten. At first the entering motoric tests were done which consisted of throwing the tenis ball one-handed, two-footed jump and shuttle run 4x10 m. Two kindergarten classes took part in those motoric tests. An exercise stack which was focused on motion development was applied to one class while not on the other one. The exercises were drawn out of the stack in certain kindergarten for ten weeks. The chosen exercises were focused on running, throwing, jumping which are ones that are focused on developing explosive power of lower and upper limbs, speed, coordination, mobility and persistance as well. Ten weeks later the motoric tests of both classes were done again and after first comparing the input and output results both classes were compared as well.