3D tisk na základní škole
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V diplomové práci zpracováváme problematiku 3D tisku, uvádíme seznam bezplatných programů pro 3D tisk na základní škole, které hodnotíme na základě stanovených kritérií. Doporučujeme vhodné softwary pro 1. a 2. stupeň základní školy. Ve všech uvedených programech zpracujeme krok po kroku vznik modelu pro 3D tisk. Dále se soustředíme na problémové úlohy s geometrickými objekty, se kterými se seznamují žáci na základní škole. Vytvoříme počátek databáze šablon objektů spojených s matematikou a geometrií a umístíme je na www stránku s odkazy. Součástí diplomové práce je dotazníkové šetření mezi učiteli k problematice3D tisku na základních školách a zpětná vazba k vytvořeným šablonám.
In the diploma thesis, we deal with the issue of 3D printing, we provide the list of programs that are free and can be used for 3D printing in grade school. We evaluate those programs according to set out criteria. We recommend suitable software for the primary and lower-secondary school. In all the mentioned programs we process step by step the creation of the final model for 3D printing. In another part we focus on problem tasks with geometric Objects, which pupils are introduced to in grade school. We will create the beginning of a database of Object templates related to mathematics and geometry and place the templates on a web site. One part of the diploma thesis is a questionnaire survey among teachers on the issue of 3D printing in grade schools and feedback on created templates.
In the diploma thesis, we deal with the issue of 3D printing, we provide the list of programs that are free and can be used for 3D printing in grade school. We evaluate those programs according to set out criteria. We recommend suitable software for the primary and lower-secondary school. In all the mentioned programs we process step by step the creation of the final model for 3D printing. In another part we focus on problem tasks with geometric Objects, which pupils are introduced to in grade school. We will create the beginning of a database of Object templates related to mathematics and geometry and place the templates on a web site. One part of the diploma thesis is a questionnaire survey among teachers on the issue of 3D printing in grade schools and feedback on created templates.
3D tisk, 3D softwary, databáze šablon, pracovní listy