Kolorimetrická analýza systému uspořádání barev podle p. J. Hejzlara - ÚBOK
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Technická Univerzita v Liberci
Práca je zameraná na rozbor farieb z katalógu, ktorý zostavil pán PhDr. Jozef Hejzlar. Katalóg vznikol pod záštitou Ústavu bytovej a odevnej kultúry (ÚBOK) v Prahe. Základným princípom práce je porovnávanie hodnôt nameraných zo vzoriek Hejzlarovho katalógu a nameraných zo vzoriek pantone ale i porovnanie Kubelka - Munkovou funkciou. Taktiež nosným prvkom je zaistenie princípu miešania farieb podľa pána Hejzlara, na základe vyhodnotenia grafov z nameraných kariet. V práci sa pozrieme na výskyt farebných tónov za posledných 30 rokov 20st. po súčasnosť. Výskyt tónov si priblížime pomocou grafu, v ktorom získame lepší prehľad o používaní farieb v trendoch od roku 1969 až po rok 1990.
A diploma work is oriented to analysis a color of Mr. PhDr. Jozef Hejzlar catalogue. The catalogue has been made with participation Institute of clothing and housing culture in Prague. Keystone of the work is comparison measured amount Hejzlar pattern from his catalogue and measured pattern of ?pantone? but comparison Kubelka - Munk function. Another supporting member is detection of Hejzlar mixing colors based at evaluation measured card graph. This work allocate the appearance colors tone for the last 30 years of 20th century till present time. The occurrence of a tone closer with the chart, in which we get a better idea about how to use color in trends from 1969 to 1990.
A diploma work is oriented to analysis a color of Mr. PhDr. Jozef Hejzlar catalogue. The catalogue has been made with participation Institute of clothing and housing culture in Prague. Keystone of the work is comparison measured amount Hejzlar pattern from his catalogue and measured pattern of ?pantone? but comparison Kubelka - Munk function. Another supporting member is detection of Hejzlar mixing colors based at evaluation measured card graph. This work allocate the appearance colors tone for the last 30 years of 20th century till present time. The occurrence of a tone closer with the chart, in which we get a better idea about how to use color in trends from 1969 to 1990.
katedra: KOD; přílohy: 1 CD ROM; rozsah: 80 s. (71 188 znaků)
hejzlar, výskyt farieb, trendy, hejzlar, appearance colors, trends