Analýza změn geometrie vazebních prvků při tahovém namáhání pleteniny
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Existuje několik teorií zabývajících se strukturními modely zátažných jednolícních pletenin pro zjištění délky nitě v očku. Strukturní jednotku pleteniny autoři jednotlivých strukturních modelů popisují z pohledu matematických výpočtů, nebo geometrie. Na první pohled se teorie liší především tvarem očka a místy, kde dochází ke styku přízí. Teorie také zahrnují pouze předpoklad hladké pleteniny a k ostatním vazbám se již nevyjadřují. Navíc autoři, kteří se touto problematikou zabývali, vycházeli vždy z pletenin v relaxovaném stavu. Cílem této práce je zjistit zdali lze tyto modely, určené pro zátažnou jednolícní pleteninu hladkou, uplatnit i při deformacích a u pletenin s chytovými či podloženými kličkami. Zjišťován byl také vliv vybraných vazeb zátažných jednolícních pletenin při namáhání a při aplikaci na jednotlivé strukturní modely. Experiment byl prováděn na třech typech vazeb, pomocí speciálního dynamometru s využitím kamery a systému obrazové analýzy. Jednotlivé strukturní modely pletenin byly párově porovnávány a vyhodnocovány na základě hypotézy o shodě s experimentem.
Several theories of structural models for weft-knit, single face fabric exist to determine the lengths of a yarn in a loop. Authors of the structural models describe the structural unit of the yarn with the help of mathematical formulas or geometry. The theories differ mainly in shapes of the loops and in places where the yarns come to contact. The theories deal only with the plain knit leaving the other types of knits out. Moreover the models are applied on the knitwear in a relaxed position. The thesis tests a hypothesis whether it is possible to rely on the theories when describing uniaxial deformation of the loop. An interactive experiment was set up to measure the deformation of the loop under uniaxial movement for selected types of weft-knit fabrics. The influence of stress on selected weft-knit fabric was investigated and results were compared with the structural models. Experiments were conducted on three types of weaves, which were analyzed by a dynamometer with the help of cameras and system of image analysis. Structural models for each fabric were compared with the results from the experiment by pair sample test and conclusions were made whether the results comply with the hypothesis.
Several theories of structural models for weft-knit, single face fabric exist to determine the lengths of a yarn in a loop. Authors of the structural models describe the structural unit of the yarn with the help of mathematical formulas or geometry. The theories differ mainly in shapes of the loops and in places where the yarns come to contact. The theories deal only with the plain knit leaving the other types of knits out. Moreover the models are applied on the knitwear in a relaxed position. The thesis tests a hypothesis whether it is possible to rely on the theories when describing uniaxial deformation of the loop. An interactive experiment was set up to measure the deformation of the loop under uniaxial movement for selected types of weft-knit fabrics. The influence of stress on selected weft-knit fabric was investigated and results were compared with the structural models. Experiments were conducted on three types of weaves, which were analyzed by a dynamometer with the help of cameras and system of image analysis. Structural models for each fabric were compared with the results from the experiment by pair sample test and conclusions were made whether the results comply with the hypothesis.
zátažná jednolícní pletenina, délka nitě v očku, hladká vazba, vazba s chytovou kličkou, vazba s podloženou kličkou, jednoosá deformace, strukturní modely, weft knit, length of yarn in a loop, single/plain fabric, fabric with tuck loop, fabric with floated stich, uniaxial deformation, structural models