Aplikace SMS brána
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Tato diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem a vývojem aplikace pro SMS bránu, která by měla umožnit rozesílání a příjem SMS textových zpráv pro potřeby různých společností, např. internetových obchodů. Cílem práce je navrhnout a implementovat aplikace jako webovou službu s podporou REST API tak, aby ji bylo možné ovládat i z mobilních klientů.Práce popisuje návrh a implementaci webové služby, klienta a komunikace s USB modemem, který je schopen odesílat a přijímat SMS textové zprávy. Komunikace mezi webovou službou a klientem je realizována využitím REST API rozhraní a datového formátu JSON.
This diploma thesis deals with the design and development of an application for an SMS gateway handling the dispatching and receiving of SMS text messages for companies. The goal of the thesis is the design and implementation of the application as a web service supporting a REST API interface, so that it can be controlled from mobile clients.This thesis describes the design and implementation of the web service, the client and its communication via a USB modem, which is able to dispatch and receive SMS text messages. The communication between the web service and the client is realized with the help of a REST API interface and the JSON data format.
This diploma thesis deals with the design and development of an application for an SMS gateway handling the dispatching and receiving of SMS text messages for companies. The goal of the thesis is the design and implementation of the application as a web service supporting a REST API interface, so that it can be controlled from mobile clients.This thesis describes the design and implementation of the web service, the client and its communication via a USB modem, which is able to dispatch and receive SMS text messages. The communication between the web service and the client is realized with the help of a REST API interface and the JSON data format.
REST, JSON, webová služba, klient, server, React, REST, JSON, web service, client, server, React