Historizující prvky v současné produkci nábytku firmy KARE-DESIGN
Title Alternative:Historicist elements in production Kare - Design
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Technická Univerzita v Liberci
Bakalářská práce je zaměřena v první části na stručné shrnutí historie nábytku evropského kontinentu od nejstarších dob do počátků průmyslové výroby. Cílem druhé části, a vlastně celé práce, bylo nalézt společné znaky historického nábytku a současné tvorby společnosti Kare-Design, coţ je popsáno a znázorněno četnými fotografiemi v obrazové příloze. Fotografie a informace o nábytku, výrobních postupech a hlavních prvcích jednotlivých slohů byly čerpány zejména z odborných knih a skript. Bakalářská práce je doplněna i informacemi z muzeí a zámků, navštívených v rámci stáţe pořádané textilní fakultou. Popis historie společnosti Kare - Design a fotografie jejich výrobků pak byly získány z webových stránek společnosti.
My final thesis is focused on survey of historical furniture on the European continent from oldest time to beginning industrial production at the first part. The main aim of second part was found common characters of historical furniture and present production of Kare-Design, it is described and represented by many photographs in the hooked illustration. Photographs and informations about furniture, industrial processes and main elements single style were drawn especially from scientific book and university mimeographed. Final thesis is completed by information from museums and chateaus, I visited during short term visit arranged by Faculty of textile. History of Kare-Design and all photographs were drawn from its web sites.
My final thesis is focused on survey of historical furniture on the European continent from oldest time to beginning industrial production at the first part. The main aim of second part was found common characters of historical furniture and present production of Kare-Design, it is described and represented by many photographs in the hooked illustration. Photographs and informations about furniture, industrial processes and main elements single style were drawn especially from scientific book and university mimeographed. Final thesis is completed by information from museums and chateaus, I visited during short term visit arranged by Faculty of textile. History of Kare-Design and all photographs were drawn from its web sites.
katedra: KDE; přílohy: 1 CD ROM; rozsah: 71
nábytek, historie, umění, zdobné prvky, kare - design, společné znaky, furniture, history, art, decorative elements, kare - design, common characters