Knihovna na Manhattanu
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Zadání místa pro knihovnu, vychází z iniciativy sdružení Stipendium Lyceum Fellowship. Autoři soutěže si kladou za cíl vytvořit klidnější zónu, na hranici problémové části Manhattanu, kterou je Harlem. Místo na Audubon Terrace na Manhattanu, mezi 155. a 156. ulicí na Broadwayi, je jedním z těch, které bezpochyby změnu potřebují. Dříve bylo její okolí domovem vyšší třídy a elity, ale na konci 20. století, se stala obětí zločinu a úpadku. Knihovna je tedy ideální projekt s velkými ambicemi a měl by pomoci přemostit propast, která tuto minulost a budoucnost oddělí.
The location of the library is based on the Stipendium Lyceum Fellowship initiative. The authors of the competition aim to create a quieter zone on the edge of the troubled part of Manhattan, which is Harlem. The location of Audubon Terrace in Manhattan, between 155th and 156th Broadway Street, is one of those who no doubt need to change. In past Audubon terrace was home to a senior class and elite, but at the end of the 20th century it became a victim of crime and bankruptcy. The library is therefore an ideal project with the great intention of helping to bridge the gap that separates this past and future.
The location of the library is based on the Stipendium Lyceum Fellowship initiative. The authors of the competition aim to create a quieter zone on the edge of the troubled part of Manhattan, which is Harlem. The location of Audubon Terrace in Manhattan, between 155th and 156th Broadway Street, is one of those who no doubt need to change. In past Audubon terrace was home to a senior class and elite, but at the end of the 20th century it became a victim of crime and bankruptcy. The library is therefore an ideal project with the great intention of helping to bridge the gap that separates this past and future.