Módní směr kšiltovek pro firmu Blažek
Title Alternative:Fashion direction of baseball caps for the company Blažek
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Technická Univerzita v Liberci
Tématem bakalářské práce je módní kolekce kšiltovek pro firmu Blažek. Kolekce je navržena pro nový a neotřelý pohled na design čepic. Hlavním záměrem bylo pozdvihnout a oživit tento oděvní doplněk. Inspirací byly fitness centrum, tečka jako bod, linie neboli čára, geometrické a organické tvary. Kolekce je sjednocena výraznou a módní barevností, která jim dává společný, osobitý a moderní nádech. V této práci se nejdříve dozvíte o firmě Blažek, o tvorbě nového loga a historii kšiltovek. Dále je obsahuje marketingový průzkum trhu, který byl proveden formou dotazníku, aby byla zjištěna oblíbenost kšiltovek u veřejnosti. Dozvíte se na jaké typy čepic jsou navrhovány nové designy, které jsou ukázány v katalogu. Úplně nakonec je popsána technologie výroby kšiltovek a technologie, kterými by se návrhy měly realizovat, sítotisk a výšivka.
The theme of this bachelor work is a fashion collection of baseball caps for the Blazek. The collection is designed for new and fresh look at design of caps. The main purpose was to elevate and activate this fashion accessory. The collection was inspired by a fitness center, a dot as a point, line or lines, geometric and organic shapes. The collection is unified by strong fashion colouring, which gives them a common, distinctive and modern touch. In this work, first you will learn about the company Blazek, about creation a new logo and about the history of baseball. Furthermore, it provides marketing research market, which was conducted through a questionnaire, to determine the popularity of baseball caps in public. You will learn on what types of caps are new designs proposed, which are shown in the catalog. Finally the technology of production of baseball caps is described. Designs should be made by technologies of screen printing and embroidery, which are described at the end too.
The theme of this bachelor work is a fashion collection of baseball caps for the Blazek. The collection is designed for new and fresh look at design of caps. The main purpose was to elevate and activate this fashion accessory. The collection was inspired by a fitness center, a dot as a point, line or lines, geometric and organic shapes. The collection is unified by strong fashion colouring, which gives them a common, distinctive and modern touch. In this work, first you will learn about the company Blazek, about creation a new logo and about the history of baseball. Furthermore, it provides marketing research market, which was conducted through a questionnaire, to determine the popularity of baseball caps in public. You will learn on what types of caps are new designs proposed, which are shown in the catalog. Finally the technology of production of baseball caps is described. Designs should be made by technologies of screen printing and embroidery, which are described at the end too.
katedra: KDE; přílohy: CD s bakalářskou prací; rozsah: 67
kšiltovka, čepice, logo, dotazník, sítotisk, výšivka, baseball cap, cap, logo, questionnaire, embroidery, seriography