El Romanticismo de Larra: El doncel de don Enrique el Doliente
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Tato bakalářská práce zkoumá romantismus Mariana José de Larry. Larra je jedním z nejvýznamnějších představitelů španělského romantismu. Svou literární kariéru započal jako básník, ale to, co mu přineslo úspěch, byla žurnalistika. Zajistil si tak slávu jako významný kritik a satirik. Navzdory tomu, že jeho život byl krátký, Larra po sobě zanechal rozsáhlé literární dílo. Kromě řady článků o zvycích napsal také drama a román o historické postavě Macíase. V této práci jsou zkoumány romantické rysy Larrova románu Páže Jindřicha Chorého(El doncel de Don Enrique el Doliente, 1834), protože ve španělské literatuře zanechával významnou stopu jako dobrý příklad romantického díla. Román vypráví milostný příběh galicijského trubadúra a vdané dámy. Dále se v této práci porovnávají romantické prvky jiných autorových děl s romantickými prvky v jeho jediném románu.
The thesis examines the Romanticism of Mariano José de Larra. Larra is one of the most important representatives of Spanish Romanticism. He began his literary career as a poet, but what brought him to light was journalism. Thus the writer made a name for himself as an eminent critic and satirist. Despite the fact that his life was short, Larra left a large number of literary works. In addition to numerous articles based on costumbrism, he also wrote the drama and the novel about the historical character Macías.In this thesis the romantic features of Larra's novel The Page of King Enrique the Invalid (El doncel de Don Enrique el Doliente, 1834) are examined because it left a significant mark in Spanish literature as a good example of a romantic work. The novel tells the love story of the Galician troubadour and a married lady. In addition to the analysis of the novel, this work compares the romantic characteristics of other works of the author with those of the novel.
The thesis examines the Romanticism of Mariano José de Larra. Larra is one of the most important representatives of Spanish Romanticism. He began his literary career as a poet, but what brought him to light was journalism. Thus the writer made a name for himself as an eminent critic and satirist. Despite the fact that his life was short, Larra left a large number of literary works. In addition to numerous articles based on costumbrism, he also wrote the drama and the novel about the historical character Macías.In this thesis the romantic features of Larra's novel The Page of King Enrique the Invalid (El doncel de Don Enrique el Doliente, 1834) are examined because it left a significant mark in Spanish literature as a good example of a romantic work. The novel tells the love story of the Galician troubadour and a married lady. In addition to the analysis of the novel, this work compares the romantic characteristics of other works of the author with those of the novel.
Mariano José de Larra, romantismus, španělský romantismus, historický román, Macías, Elvira, El doncel de Don Enrique el Doliente, Mariano José de Larra, romanticism, Spanish romanticism, historical novel, Macías, Elvira, El doncel de Don Enrique el Doliente