Převod fitness dat do tabulkového formátu
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Tato bakalářská práce se zaměřuje na seznámení čtenáře s vlivem pohybové aktivity na lidský organismus. Dále také přibližuje důležitá spiroergonomická data a způsob měření těchto dat. Praktická část je zaměřena na vývoj programu schopného přeformátování fitness dat TCX do tabulkového formátu CSV, a zároveň tyto data správně synchronizovat s daty získanými pomocí mobilní spirometrie.
This bachelor thesis focuses on acquainting the reader with the influence of physical activity on the organism. It also discusses important spiroergonomic data and how to measure these data. The practical part is focused on the development of a program capable of reformatting TCX fitness data into a CSV spreadsheet format, and at the same time correctly synchronizing this data with the data obtained using mobile spirometry.
This bachelor thesis focuses on acquainting the reader with the influence of physical activity on the organism. It also discusses important spiroergonomic data and how to measure these data. The practical part is focused on the development of a program capable of reformatting TCX fitness data into a CSV spreadsheet format, and at the same time correctly synchronizing this data with the data obtained using mobile spirometry.
TCX, CSV, Spirometrie, Spiroergonomie, Sportovní medicína, This bachelor thesis focuses on acquainting the reader with the influence of physical activity on the human organism. It also discusses important spiroergonomic data and how to measure these data. The practical part is focused on the development of a program capable of reformatting TCX fitness data into a CSV spreadsheet format, and at the same time correctly synchronizing this data with the data obtained using mobile spirometry